That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
silvia.trkman at
Dear Silvia, my dog Sisi, Yorkie, is now 13 months old. Since I have never done agility before, which DVD would you recommend to us and which class would be best to do next?
Well, agility related DVDs are just two: Ready-Steady-GO! and Cik&Cap. So maybe Ready-Steady-GO? Other DVDs are on tricks. As a continuation in agility direction, Foundation class would be best. Next one starts beginning of October. A trick alternative would be Advanced Tricks, to that class it’s possible to register at any time.
Silvia, dovoli še eno vprašanje: v akterem ljubljanskem kinološkem društvu učijo agility s klikerjem in shapingom (=kot ti)?
še enkrat hvala za dogovor
KD Agility-Ilirija is definitely the closest to my methods. Once the dog knows cik&cap and contacts though, there is not much to shape left in agility -- then it’s just about running, learning about handling for the handler and making it all about the running for the dog -- so lots of playing!
OK, thank you, Silvia, I would than like the Ready-Steady-Go DVD or link to it. Will need some time to make the graduation video though!
Jasmina + Sisi
No problem! I send it together with a certificate after posting a graduation video!
Aloha Everybody:)! Auditor here who’s been working along with you guys and learning a lot, too…Thanks to Silvia, you all (and your pups) and all the dogs I get to play around with! How fun is this stuff!!!
I think I missed at least one: didn’t even tackle limping yet. He’s getting confused between which leg lifts I want. He also is a tricky dog to work at times, very “soft”. For cik/cap, I couldn’t get a video of shaping it because when he’s outside he doesn’t have the best work ethic for certain mind challenges. And, inside, he bats whatever I use as a pole over with an exuberant slap, LOL. Transitioning from muzzle to paw with the hug is still a work in progress. I love working on all the pieces of that trick! And I need to shelf the “sit up” trick for a moment, so I couldn’t get video of his awesome down to sit up reps. Those were easy a month or so ago, but he’s thinking too hard about situp lately, silly puppy 😉
Well, it’s been a blast! Hugs all around:)
Wow very cool tricks! You mastered a lot of them. I love his sit up, So cute what he does with his front feet!!!
Great job with all the tricks!!! Very impressive coin in the glass! Great backing up too! And too cute with paw crosses and a frog! Heeling could still use some polishing, I would teach a more vertical head and high legs to make it look less as BC heeling 🙂 Let me know which video you want for graduation! -- Or, hm, you have all already???
Great job, you are a really good team! Fun to see auditors’ videos! I love his frog impression, it’s so cute!
Hello Cloudine, Zeal is amazing, we love the large smile in his face during practising his tricks and his cheerfully wagging tail! And you managed a really good job together, compliments!
Best wishes from North Germany,
Melinda & her mum Ingrid with their border collie girl Malaika
Wow, Very impressive! And so cool to meet Zeal…what a cutie he is! Great job!!!
Cheers, thanks everyone. Really appreciate the tips, too, Silvia. Wow, what a generous treat to offer your videos! I would LOVE to have the tricks for balance, strength and coordination (although I probably need the heeling video more)! Tricks 1st, obedience later;)
I hope to see all of you in advanced tricks one day! In the meantime, the fun continues as we polish up a lot of the stuff we’re working on:)
O.k., sent! 🙂
Great to see the auditors! Zeal is adorable. Love the sit up position with high paws. And his hugs were great! I think we can all relate to needing to polish up some of the tricks. I sure know Rankin was getting confused by all the leg lifting!!
Great job…hope to see more of Zeal in future classes.
Shona and Rankin
Hello Silvia and classmates. Finally my video is attached. I can tell you that I have a huge appreciation for anyone who makes any type of film!!! This was the toughest part of the course for me 🙂 I wanted to add music but with the copyright issue, I gave up on that. Also I wanted everyone to see it. Thank you Silvia for all you have taught us so far.
Great job! His doors slamming always make me smile! Very cool backward figure 8 too and I just love his heeling!!! Let me know which video you want for graduation!
Thanks Silvia. I love his heeling too and I taught it all your method. I definitely know a good method when I see one. He really knows to keep tight to me more than any other dog I have trained.
I think since I will be doing agility next session the cik/cap would be the best choice. And I think I can now rejoin so that I can progess on the 2o2o that we did in week 3 and more heeling!!!
Goob job! Very nice heeling 🙂 Cameron is so cute!
O.k., all sent! Looking forward to see more of Cameron!
Awesome heeling and some extremely tight turns there!
Great job, Michelle & Cameron! Love the heeling & backwards fig. 8!!!
I give credit to a friend who was filming me once. She said he went through really well one way but I lifted my leg on the other one, I was doing the work. When I realized this, I made him do the work. Its so much fun with pups.
That was great Michelle! I loved how you kept in all your playing segments! Boy does Cameron love to tug 🙂
Another fine example of handler and dog having such fun together!
Shona and Rankin
Thanks Shona, I am working very hard to keep the drive and his tugging. Its been work sometimes but he is so playful now that its come more natural.
Very great job! And Cameron is so enthusiastic!
I’m sorry we have not yet been able to post a graduation video yet! Prime is almost 6 months old & is going through what I believe might be a fear period 🙁 Up until the last few weeks he has been afraid of NOTHING- not a single dog, person, noise or object frightens him and he doesn’t mind being told “no” or any other correction either. However the last few weeks he has seemed fine & then suddenly acted odd like he wants to get away from me during a game of tug or while walking along at a trial or around the house. 90% of the time he is fine & usually the behavior doesn’t last very long if I just ignore it. In the hotel the other night he suddenly decided after playing that he couldn’t come out of his cage that was left open. He wouldn’t even come out for his toy or piece of food (which he would usually probably jump off a cliff for. I finally pulled him out & he went & hid under a chair. After ignoring him for about 10 min. he finally came out & went outside with me to play with no problem. When we work on our tricks if I don’t click the 1st thing he offers he doesn’t want to play anymore so we haven’t worked on anything new or that he doesn’t have down 110%. People have said that it may be best to give him another week of time off until he gets over this & then try again. Trying to get him to work when he has already decided he doesn’t want to just makes him act afraid & try to get away from me again so I usually just wait a few hours & try again. Any suggestions? Does this sound like a fear period or should I be preparing that this might be who he is going to be long term now? Are we allowed to get our video without submitting a graduation video yet? If so I would like Ready Steady Go. If not, is it possible to have little more time to finish the video? Thank you!
I hope Prime is back to his old self soon! I think it’s just a period he is going through yes, despite I’ve never noticed such big changes as you describe before… He was sooo not-a-quitter! But yes, I think he will be back soon, just leave him alone when he is not interested in playing with you and only work with him when he really wants to. And sure, you can post a graduation video whenever you can! I’m sending the videos and certificates after the graduation videos.
Hello Everyone,
I am finally able to post our graduation video. I had some computer issues, family visiting, and YouTube challenges. I wish I had time to edit more and add more but now that I watch it, I’m thrilled with our accomplishments.
I really enjoyed this class and look forward to the foundation class. We’re having a heat wave this weekend (over 37 Celsius….yuck) and I plan to catch up on everyone’s graduation videos.
Thanks again Silvia.
PS We would like the new Speed & Conditioning video for download to add to our collection. Can’t wait to see it.
Hello Lois, hello Monza, oh, how nice -- what a cute show!
thank you and regards
Melinda, Malaika + Ingrid
Oh, that was so cute, seeing puppy Monza grow up in such a well coordinated, balanced, confident and well trained dog! Great job with the tricks and the video! Very cool to meet Speed too! Sending you a graduation present right now! Looking forward to see you in Foundations!
Wow Monza is a star on the bosu ball!!!
Ha ha…yeah, he looks like he’d do great on a surf board riding the waves! 🙂
Great job, Lois & Monza!!! Fun video…very cool seeing Monza grow up…he’s so cute!
That was so much fun to watch, Monza is such a cutie, I like the way you included some baby videos. Keep up the great work, see you in agility foundation 🙂
Well Silvia, I am officially back, just rejoined 🙂
I did some heeling in place with Cameron this morning and could see we are getting a bit sloppy since we have taken a bit of a break.
One question, I will be doing heeling in obedience, how would you recommend I get a nice sit when I stop now?
Welcome back! The fast sits, I first teach away from heeling, while playing -- like we were talking before, exciting the dog and asking for a quick sit and release immediately, rewarding the fastest ones only. Once I’m happy with the speed of their sits, I go back to some pivoting and every time I stop, I say sit and reward -- and then the same when heeling forward. How fast are his sits now?
His sits are painfully slow, its like he is in slow motion. Very weird, he is a thinking dog for sure but loves to release very quickly when I release him. I will try what you suggested before pairing it with heeling. Great suggestion. I highlighted a bunch of things I didnt get to do first round so now will go back to them, so excited to get back working with you again.
Yes, you certainly want fast sits first. Try to use his favourite toy and treats (try one session with treats and one with toys and see what works better) for this game and make sure you’re extra fast with rewarding as it automatically gives you faster responses too.
Silva, If I want to do freestyle, would it make sense to not train for an automatic sit? I’m wondering if this would confuse my dogs if I want to work on side passes, backing, & other freestyle heeling moves. Seems like once a dog has a quick automatic sit it would be difficult to get rid of when you want them to remain standing as you stop & then move in another direction…sideways or backwards. My dogs have quick sits when playing (ha ha, Michelle, I wish they had slow sits like Cameron! :)) so I don’t think it would take long to get this with heeling if I want to do obedience later. Is there a way to teach both sit & remain standing when I stop?
Yes, that’s exactly why I don’t teach automatic sit when pivoting anymore. I used to teach touch+sit already in the step when we add ourself into the picture when pivoting on target, but because of rally and freestyle then just went with the stand and add a sit later and on cue rather as automatic. It’s very easy when they have nice, fast sits on a verbal cue.
Just wanted to say Iwatched the Speed & Conditioning video and LOVE IT. Your philosophy and style of training is so much fun and is so much easier to incorporate into every day life. Looking forward to foundation in October.
Many thanks! Lois
Great, glad to hear that! I’m sure you’re going to have lots of fun with Monza!
Hello Silvia and everybody!! 🙂
I am very late for my video.. It is because I waited to be able to show you ALL the tricks and at the moment I am still sad with 3 of them: take the object and put it in position to embrace it, limp and raise two side legs without support.
I have just viewed the last videos here and I think that I am going to post you an assembly of all which we learnt, too bad if certain tricks are not completely succeeded… Is it ok for you Silvia?
Of course, you don’t need to show ALL the tricks -- just show whatever you have learned within the course! I think that was more than enough!
Hello!!! 🙂
I am so happy to see my puppy start to limp two days ago!! He is too cute!! Well, i am going to do my video now!! Good night everyone!!
Great!!! Looking forward to see the video!