That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
silvia.trkman at
Hi Silvia & classmates,
Here is our graduation video. We didn’t get to all the tricks but I’m very happy with what Chimes has learned so far. This class has been so good for her & she has enjoyed all the training & attention! We’ll definitely keep training tricks…I think these tricks make an old dog feel young again! 🙂
Thank you, Silvia, for such a great class!!! And thank you classmates…we sure enjoyed all your videos!
Kathy & Chimes
Great job! With these big paws, ALL the tricks look really impressive!!! She sure looks like just a big puppy! Amazing how well she can do sit up to down! Let me know which video you want for graduation!
Thanks, Silvia! Well, I think cik&cap is the only one of your DVDs I don’t have already 🙂 and it will be good to review in preparation for Foundations in October with Zephyr.
Sent! See you in Foundations!
Wow, really impressive to watch your video 🙂 You did manage to teach many of the tricks, and I really liked your heeling she looked like to be glued to your leg 🙂
CHIME!!! I just love to watch you!
Wicked cute and awesome. Her sit up with paw waving is just the best 😉
Have a great time in Foundations with Zephyr. You will love it.
Shona and Rankin
Beautiful! Chimes is absolutely gorgeous and adorable too… great job on all the tricks!
Kodi and I are looking forward to my 4 kids getting back to school so WE can finish our video too! 🙂
CongratulationsKathy and Chimes!!
I love your work, and your relationship is awesome 🙂 Sia sent you a big hug And look! we get it! dedicate for you, our inspiration! hahhaa
Yay for the sit up!!! 🙂
HURRAY!!! Chimes knew Sia could do it!!! 🙂
Oh, Kathy, we are absolutely amazed! could you please give Chimes a big hug from us -- he did his job so very fine! (I wish our “old” 5y poodle Leo would take this as an example, but I am afraid he has no ambition to become a filmstar like Chimes 🙂 )
I don’t get tired to repeat it: it is so wonderful to see, how you behave with your dogs, and how you boviously tread them in such a friendly, heartwarming way, that it must be a pleasure being your dog!
(But it must also be a pleasure to have dogs like Chimes, Zephyr and Elsa!)
Very friendly thoughts from North Germany,
Ingrid, Melinda + Malaika!
Awww…Thanks! 🙂 Can’t wait to see Malaika’s graduation video!!!
THANK YOU, everyone for your wonderful comments!!! 🙂 Hope to see you all again in Silvia’s other classes!
When I watch Chimes my eyes get all watery, must be fall allergies… 🙂
Monza and I still have to work on the figure 8. I think Chimes has inspired us to get back to tricks!
Hope to see you in another class soon.
Aww…thanks, Lois! 🙂 My eyes get a little watery watching Chimes too! 🙂 I keep thinking of all my past Bernese who would have LOVED doing these tricks but I had not known of Silvia’s training back then. 🙁 And then when I first started doing Silvia’s classes with my Cattle Dog & BC about 1 1/2 years ago, I didn’t think Chimes would be interested in learning tricks 🙂 but wow…did she ever surprise me!!! We’ve had so much FUN!!!
Silvia…Have you ever thought of an “intermediate tricks” class for bigger dogs who are not built for agility? I would love to continue doing your classes with Chimes but many of the advanced tricks are much too demanding on a big dog. 🙂 Or maybe “fancy heelwork” would be a fun class for non-agility dogs??? Actually, I would take that class with my other dogs who do agility! 🙂
Hm, for now, the existing classes are keeping me busy enough… But Advanced Tricks program can of course be adjusted for every dog -- it’s no problem to work just on heeling there either!
here is our graduation video. I had a lot of trouble with window movie maker, therefore the video is not cut as I really wanted, but I hope you will like it nevertheless.
It was a great class, thank you Silvia, and thank you classmates! I enjoyed it very much, and Pepi too. She is a fast learner. She did frog always correct, and crossed paws in both directions, but the video was done after a quite lazy period, and I realised, that we have to repeat more often
Very cool to finally meet little Pepi! Great job with all the tricks! Beautiful heeling, really tight cik&caps and great skateboarding! Loved the sun bed see-saw too! 🙂 Great job! Let me know which video you want for graduation!
Aw…I loved her dancing handstand. And that little bowl 🙂 with those fluffy paws the bowl was completely hidden. I don’t know how you clicked that in the beginning 😉 I think we all found when video time came around that tricks we thought were mastered maybe were not mastered as well as we thought and a bit rusty!
Nice work.
Shona and Rankin
thank you Shona :D. Yes the bowl was really very little, and I was very proud that she mastered it. It took a long time since I had her in the silver bowl, and a bit later I tried this very small one, and she went in and had the balance quite long.
Yes its like you say; tricks we thought we mastered were not mastered as well and a bit rusty.
I can hardly wait till foundation class starts….
Susanne and Pepi
Great job, Suzanne & Pepi!!! Really fun to watch Pepi…she’s so cute & energetic! Love her flashy high legs heeling! Hope to see you again in Foundations!
thank you Kathy! Yes Pepi is a very cute little dog. She makes us lough every day :). Heeling was one of her favorite tricks. And yes, we will be in foundations too :).
Your video pleased me very much too. A few years ago I had also a bernese mountain dog, and I loved watching all videos with Chimes. If you don’t mind my asking: Where do you live? I was always very impressed about the landscape in your videos
Susanne and Pepi
So cool you used to have a Bernese! Chimes is my 7th…I love this breed but wish they lived longer. Although I had a Bernese who lived to be 14, I have lost several at 5 or 6 years old from cancer. 🙁 Sooo sad!!!
I live on an island about 15 miles off the coast of Maine in the US. Yes, it is very beautiful & a great place for dogs to romp & have fun. 🙂
I love this breed too. I had four in the past, one who reached the age of 14, one who became 11, but one other (the brother of the first) I lost with 6, because of cancer, and one I lost with 2 because of a heart defect :(. Now I have a Leonberger. He is 11 now, and very fit and healthy, but I think the next one will be a bernese again
thank you Silvia! I would like the tricks for balance, strength and coordination 🙂
Sent! 🙂
Hello Silvia, hello classmates!
Finally: our graduation video. (Hooray! Hooray!)
Yes, I know, there are still some tricks missing, and some are far away from perfect (limping, figure 8), but nevertheless we are so awfully proud of sweet Malaika!
Our dear little redhead puppy mastered so many tricks although she had only half the time to learn it (mainly due to the special situation, that she spent about half the week and all holiday weeks with her real owner, an old lady).
Good news: it seems, that up from now, Malaika might live forever with us. Our relief and happiniess is endless!
Now, that I have returned from nearly 2 months of rehab, we can go on learning tricks (and we WILL! It is such a wonderful way to spend one’s time…).
Hope to see some of you in Advanced tricks, maybe? Or did you already master this, too?
Especially “thank you” to all of our classmates -- you must know, that you have encouraged us a lot (helpful especially for my 14y old daughter Melinda -- , and we have learned so much just by listening to you and watching your videos. You all have got such wonderful dogs, and we would like to have them ALL! 😀
Thanks Silvia for this big time, we will meet again in some of your other classes -- for sure!
Best regards from North Germany
Malaika, Melinda +
What a great video! Really nicely made, very cute and showing Malaika’s progress so well! You did a great job with all the tricks and with raising her into such a lovely dog! It’s extra impressive as clicker training was new for you at first! Very cool! Looking forward to see more of Malaika in other classes, she is sure doing great with her RC too! Let me know which video you want for graduation.
WOW!!! GREAT video! Malaika sure learned A LOT of tricks! LOVE the handstand while putting the ball into the jar! 🙂 And the expressions on her face while ignoring the treat on her nose were too cute! What a wonderful & smart redhead girl Malaika is & she’s so lucky to be able to live with you full time!!! YAY!!!
GREAT job, Malaika, Melinda & Ingrid!!!
Hugs from Zephyr who is dreaming of meeting Malaika 🙂
Aww ♥! Thank you so much, Kathy. Our Redheads rock, indeed!
Great video! Impressive to watch Malaikas progress. See you in foundation class!
Thanks a lot, Susanne! We are also very happy about our clever and nice BCgirl.
Great video you guys, love watching Malaika. I hope to see you in some more online classes too. Cameron wishes you were closer 🙂
Hello Michelle, oh, that would be so nice, Cameron is exactly of Malaika’s prefferred kind of playing partner (she loves beautiful ears! 😉 ):-) See you in other classes for sure, thank you for your kind words,
best regards Ingrid, Melinda * Malaika
OOOh so great! Congratulations for all of you girls, really good job 🙂 It’s so wonderful to see videos like that, with so love in all the exercices. I hope to meet you in another classes. I’m going to miss your videos 😉
Thank you so very much, Silvia, we are happy to read your feedback!
If you like, we would be glad to receive the video about “Speed and Conditioning” -- (if possible, we beg you to send us the DVD, please -- because our internet connection is very unrelieable -- big up- and downloads are a certain problem.Thank you!)
We meet again in RC class and -- hopefully -- in “Advanced tricks!” (and, even more hopefully, one more time live in one of your camps one day)
Very best regards
Melinda, Malaika & Ingrid
Sure, no problem, just send me your address to my e-mail! See you in RC -- and maybe Foundations in October?
Email sent. Thank you! 🙂
Dear Melinda, Ingrid and Sweet (not so little anymore!) Malaika! It is YOU THREE who inspire me!!! I remember your struggles in the beginning when everything seemed so different and new and LOOK AT YOU NOW!!!! I was most impressed by not only the number of tricks skillfully executed but what a nice well tempered young lady Malaika has become! Out in public, no problem, as an observer, no problem, off leash in the woods, no problem!
Also, seems like Melinda is growing up before our eyes too! What a nice relationship she has with Malaika! Hopefully see you in Foundations!
p.s. I LOVE the clips of the German countryside and city areas! It makes me want to go there! My dad is from Hamburg-maybe I will get to visit relatives someday!!! 🙂
Hi Kelly, thank you for your heartwarming words! I can assure you, that Malaika also has her moments when NOTHING works, expecially observer manners seem to occur as old/new problem again: on agility lawn, she behaves like never having learned somethng about it! (But nevertheless, of course you are right: she is a really well tempered, very special dog for us, and we love her endlessly)
Oh -- when you come to Hamburg you MUST tell us before!
We live in Ratzeburg, only 60 km away from there and just 25 km away from the baltic sea, and the countryside here is so wonderful for walks with the dogs; our little town is an island in the middle of 3 lakes, with beaches expecially for dogs (no leash required), and we would love to take you there!
So just give us a sign (you can reach us with a message on our youtube-profile , you will be welcome!
Best regards
Ingrid, Melinda + Malaika
You are SO SWEET!!! I wish I could go! Someday….GREAT HANDSTAND!!!! When we are working on observer manners on the agility field I have to still keep my training of the other dog SHORT and not TOO ENERGETIC!!! The clip of her watching Ben in her graduation video was a really good moment-shows it CAN work!!!
Malaika has got mail! 😉
Thank you, Silvia!
See you later,
best regards
Ingrid, Malaika & Melinda
🙂 What a cute picture!
As a special gift to you, Malaika has decided to dedicate a complete free handstand to you today evening:
Very, very proud
Ingrid 🙂
Wow!!! Really nice handstand, great vertical position! And what a happy face on the left! 🙂
Ok, I am finally posting my Graduation Video for Prime. So sorry it took so long!
Very cool! I still remember what a little puppy he was when he started the class! Great job with tricks, what a great bowl to bowl skills! And his skateboard is too cute 🙂 Which video did you want for graduation?
And oh, not sure if you saw my reply in September class as I posted it with a delay, not seeing your post at first.
Sorry, I guess my reply post never sent- I would like ready steady go for graduation. Thank you!
Heidi. would you be so kind, to remove the music from your video? Unfortunately I can’t see it otherwise. Thank you in advance!
I’m sorry susanne, I just read your post. Would you still like me to remove the music? I can try to work on that when I get back home this evening.
After having finished our graduation video and posting it on youtube, I realised that figure 8 backwards and forwards was not in…
We are still working on cik & cap and the skateboard.
I’m very happy and proud of all the tricks Angie has learned. She’s a bulldog and it was a real challenge to perform all these things with a molosser!
I hope you’ll enjoy watching our video as much as we had fun learning tricks.
Best regards,
Laure and Angie
What a cute video! Angie is sure a really well trained dog! Great job with the tricks, what an impressive 4in for a dog of her size. And what a progress with side legs and handstand! Too cute sit up -- and what a hug! Let me know which video you want for graduation!
Thanks Silvia!
I’d love the Ready-Steady-Go video for more speed and conditioning. 😉
It was a real pleasure to have this class. I may be very busy the up coming monthes, but I hope you’ll see us back in one of your class next year.
Sent! I sure hope to see you&Angie in another class!
Hi Silvia,
Nim and I started your puppy class in the summer and we had such a wonderful time. Thank you, Silvia for helping me figure out how to play with Nim. Before this, he was always more interested in sniffing than playing, but now he is changing. He even comes on (short) hikes with me! He still goes off to sniff, but it is getting better.
And thank you to all our classmates. Although we were not doing things with the rest of the class, I read the comments and watched the videos and learned from them all.
Here is Nim’s graduation video:
We are still practising many of the tricks, but I thought it was time to post the video and maybe join the Advanced tricks class later on 🙂
Jasmine (& Nim)
Very cool! You sure mastered many tricks, great job! What a cool sit up! Great heeling and cik&cap too. Too cute with double spins and stays with distractions! Let me know which video you want for graduation!
GREAT video, Jasmine & Nim!!! Really fun to watch! Beautiful heeling and wow…very cool stay with distractions!!! 🙂 Great job with all the tricks!
Makes me miss Puppy Class!!! 🙂
Thank you, Silvia. Can we get any video? — because I would love to get the RC video. Or if it is only tricks videos, I would love the balance, strength and coordination video :).
O.k.! Sent!