That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
That's it! Time to show off what you've learned in the class! Please post your graduation videos here. Also, let me know which one of the training videos you would like to get as your graduation gift and I'll send you a download link.
silvia.trkman at
Will you be making a running contact DVD? Once I make my graduation video I know which video I want now but when I take the Foundation class I would love to have a running contact DVD to watch a million times 🙂 I need to review and review to fully understand a method. Do you have any literature on this on your site? thanks again. I am thinking more on the running (not at the very moment) but I dont think I will be doing the nose touch, I really dont like it and honestly find it demotivating. My puppy will be 9 months on the 19th. When the Foundation class starts in October, he will be a year and ready to do more the foundation skills. I am careful not to jump him now as I want him to properly grow and not stress his joints. He does do a lot of running on free walks in parks and fields where I go. Just trying to figure and plan now my training at this point. He wont be trialling for over a year so I have a lot of time, I want to do things in an organized fashion. Love to hear your thoughts.
Yes, running contacts DVD will hopefully be out in October/November. There is quite some material within comments on a public RC page of this website -- and of course even more in RC class. I would certainly recommend auditing it if you’re thinking of training RC. You could also start with some cik&cap on very low jumps as Foundation class covers so much material that it’s a kind of hard to do it all within one class if you start from zero. Cik&cap DVD would help with that.
Thanks Silvia, definitely will get the cik&cap DVD and look forward to the running video (that will be my choice video then when I take Foundation!!) Must do some reading on your page. And work on graduation video this weekend so I can restart this class.
I have the cik cap DVD and used it with my older dog. It really helped to have done that before I started him in foundations. when can I start with Spark who is 5 months old right now. We walk every day in the woods where there are many logs branches and trees on the ground that he jumps over. I too am worried about starting too early. Thank you.
Oh, you can certainly do some multi-wraps as a trick and once he gets the idea of tightness, mix in some sends to wraps! It can’t hurt -- if you don’t ask for a ton of it every day of course! 🙂
Great, I will do that. They are already making circles anyway around the target for the pre-healing exercise. This is just circling a cone or tree, looks like the same body mechanics.
It’s actually different mechanics as with pivoting, rear legs lead and the back stays straight. In circling, front feet lead and a back should bend. But when done in moderation, it shouldn’t be an issue.
Hello Silvia! 🙂
It is ok now i know how to create a video assembling!! I stil miss one or two tricks but my puppy and I work hard to got it!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
As soon as we shall be ready, I post you the video!
Besides I have a question concerning the titles of the various classes: what really means ” handling ” and “manipulation” in french? Does “foundation” mean ” bases”? Sorry for these questions but i want to be sure that i really understood… 🙂
Cool! Have fun with editing! Your questions on classes, I answered already few days ago when you first posted them, didn’t you see it? In short again: Handling means conduit in French and is only appropriate after you master Foundations. And yes, Foundations is a base of agility training. There are videos on registration page that show what is being addressed in each class.
another question on contacts 🙂 I read your webpage and there is a wealth of information there for running contacts, so I will go with that and continue with this class as we did some contact stuff early on that I no where near mastered. This class will bring me into the Foundation class so that works well and by then I will have also done some running contact stuff with what you say on your webpage. Now question -- do you do any running contacts or teeter contacts (I think you said you do) in the foundation class? My reason for so many questions is I am taking a puppy agility class where they teach 2 on 2 off with a nose touch. I dont want to do the nose touch and my teacher will be fine with that. Just wondering if there are some things I shouldnt do that will take away from the running I intend on doing, probably stay away from the Aframe, but I dont think we will touch that anytime soon and the dogwalk. Do your dogs know the difference between the teeter and the other two contact equipment. Just wondering what you say when its the two they run versus the teeter where they stop. Sorry for so many questions, but I really like to be organized and have a plan before I start something 🙂 Thanks for your patience with me!
Oh yes, of course they know the difference between the teeter ad the DW 🙂 -- Otherwise, we would have either fly offs all the time or a bit slower DW as we do 🙂 They also know the difference between sit and down. The difference between DW and the teeter is even easier as the difference between sit and down as not only they hear a different cue, but also see a different obstacle 🙂 We adress teeter in Foundations and some very basics stuff on RC too (flat stage only).
Thanks Silvia. So I think I can abort doing stair work with nose touches. I dont know how you do the teeter training, but you did mention a little bit I think back in earlier answers. Thanks again for answering all the questions.
So quiet on the graduation page. I recorded two parts for the graduation video tonight. So thrilled with some of Cameron’s progress on things. I reviewed all our lessons and realized there are many things we didnt touch because I decided to focus on certain things. Cant wait to finish my graduation video and then restart. The 2o/2o really will help with some basic foundation for our teeter work I think
Michelle, I feel the same way. We accomplished a lot but there are other tricks we haven’t worked on a lot. I want to continue with all the tricks and look forward to agility foundation in the fall. Monza and I also took tracking lessons this last weekend so we’ve been busy.
Now to put some time aside for our own graduation video.
Yes, not many graduates just yet… Looking forward to see Cameron and Monza!
Hallo dear classmates, hello Silvia,
unfortunately, our graduation video will take a while, for at least three reasons I explained here:
but I am already working on it as far as time permits.
Looking forward to watch all of yours, too and thank you for your patience with us!
Best regards
Ingrid for Melinda
and Malaika
My Video is DONE! Phew. I just need to verify copyright things 🙁 and then I can post! I had so much I wanted to put in but had to cut much out or you all would be watching forever! I mean I can sit and watch Rankin forever but I’m sure you all don’t want to 🙂
Like everyone I have still so much to now keep busy all summer with tricks! Often poor Rankin would get confused as I would move on to a similar trick (all those leg tricks!) before I had the other really named. So I will have to go back to basics I think with some of those as I know he can get it. He is really good with verbals.
Well keep your eyes peeled for soon for Rankin’s graduation video…maybe now I can go to bed on time 😉
Shona and Rankin
Can’t wait to see it!
TA DA! I think I got it to work!
Sorry it is a bit lengthy but there was a lot to put in and I didn’t even get any of the leg lifting stuff and I know there are probably other things too.
Please let me know if there is issue with music…it appears that it is working here in the states but it is hard to tell from looking at my video upload.
Thanks so much Silvia for a great class, I have just loved this format more than I would have ever guessed. But then if I didn’t have this format of learning I would never be able to “train” with you Silvia! And that would be a bummer.
Well enjoy!
Shona and Rankin
Beautiful, Shona! The music works fine. I love the camera angles and slo mo but I have to say my favorite part is his killer RC! Silvia, what do you think, did she pass the leg weaving portion of the course? 😀
I just saw that they are awaiting final ruling on the music sometime today! So hopefully it will stay the way it is. 🙂
Definitely no problems with leg weaving! 🙂
Wow, really nicely made video! And Rankin is always so much fun to watch! -- Beautiful RC!!! Let me know which video you want for graduation! I can see it normally, no music problems. And thanks, I love the format very much too -- meeting so many cool and enthusiastic people -- without leaving my dogs home alone! 🙂
oh I almost forgot…could I please get tricks for better thinking skills
I wish I could figure out how to set up a laboratory in my basement so I can work from home too!!!
WOW, that was so much fun to watch! I could watch Rankin forever too…he’s so cool!!! 🙂 GREAT job, & super video editing!!!
Looking forward to meeting you & Rankin….Nevis & Zoe too! And hey, maybe I’ll have to drive up to Minot & camp out in your yard to use your beautiful dog walk! 😉 Your husband did a great job! Loved watching Rankin’s awesome running contacts too!!!
Come on over!!! No tent needed (unless you want to) we have guest room!
Oh, what a beautiful video! I love Rankin’s enthusiasm!
What a wonderful video, Shona!! (BTW- I’m lucky enough to know Shona and her dogs in “real life” and this video captured their personalities perfectly!!) I love to see Zoe tagging along when you were heeling (was she barking, too??) Rankin is a super-star, and you’ve come so far with him. in so many different areas- agility, tricks etc.. lots of hard work and skill there!! You guys really shine… I guess I need to get Gem to watch this so she’ll be motivated for our own video project next week!!
That was alot of fun to watch Shona, thanks for sharing. What a great bond you have!
Love it! Great job!
very good job!! 😀 I love to watch videos from great dogs and great trainers around the world! Best wishes! I hope to see you in another class
Wow Shona and Rankin! Very nice! I like the way yout taped some parts very much and I’m very jealous on Rankins RC 🙂 Good Job!
Hey Sasja…remember I told you…Rankins looked just like Pippa’s! They have to get over every step of understanding in their own time. We can only help them be successful.
Wicked cool video!! Love that Rankin! And, apparently, Roscoe does, too!! 😀 Teach Rankin to drum and we can have a band!
Hello Shona and Rankin, we are so amazed, that was very very nice to watch!
We also could watch Rankin for hours! He always seems to laugh and smile, and it is obvious, how much her likes the tricks (and how much he likes you!)
Thank you for this video, good job!
Best regards from NorthGermany
Melinda, Malaika + Ingrid
I have finally finished our graduation video. I used this as a project to teach myself video editing, and had alot of fun in the process -- both filming & editing! Im not sure whether there is a problem with music copyright though so if it wont play please let me know & I’ll upload it without music.
Thankyou again so much Sylvia for all you help, and everyone else for their videos along the way -- you’ve all been so helpful! Hopefully we’ll be back for foundations course later in the year.
Hope you enjoy
PS Sylvia can I please have cik&cap video.
Oops sorry, wrong link and I cant work out how to edit my post. Try this:
Wow what a nice tricks Finn and Kylie. She sure loves to do all these tricks! I loved watching your video, good job!
Thanks Sasja. We aspire one day to be as great as Pippa 🙂
Cool, another really nice video and great training! You sure mastered backward weaving! Loved the side steps in heeling, you can shape for even more pronounced crossing on the legs next! Great cik&cap too, all ready for Foundations!
Yes I was determined to get the backwards weaving! There are a few of the tricks we haven’t started yet so that will give us something to do over the next few months. I like the idea of pronounced crossing of the legs, that could be fun to teach -- thanks!
AWESOME, Kylie!!! You sure mastered both video editing & trick training! Great job!!! Finn is so cool…I love Cattle Dogs! 🙂
Oooh Kathy, I’ve just seen your videos of Elsa. Wow! That looks like so much fun. I was enjoying watching your work with Chimes, but didnt realise you had a cattle dog too.
That was terrific, you guys are doing great videos. I am still working on mine, egads, I better get cracking. So impressive. Very fun to watch.
Unfortunately, here in Germany we can’t watch the video because of copyright conflicts (music?).
Best regards
Melinda, Ingrid + Malaika
Hey Kylie
I’ll add my congratulations on a GREAT video! Finn is awesome to watch. You did a great job training. It has been a pleasure to watch all your videos throughout class.
Shona and Rankin 🙂
Such a happy, beautifull dog! Great job! Love the handstands!
That was so much fun to watch! You have done a great job!
Very good job Kylie, and Finn is so cute!!!! congratulations!!
You are a vet?
good job I enjoyed a lot watching your video! congratulations