Announcing: long distance classes!
New LoLaBuLand project for 2011: long-distance classes!!! You can either participate or audit, all through this website, all on a special wish from those who live too far to come to classes. We'll do both puppy and handling classes, the plan is as follows:
For handling class:
I send a course map of a course we did in my handling class and then give you two weeks to set it, run it and send a video. Then we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different choices, I will also publish a video of my dogs on that course. After a week or two of discussion, I send another course and then you again have two weeks to set it and post a video. We'll do 4 courses, so the class will be about 3 months long.
For puppy class:
I write you a "to do" list, you ask if something is not clear, you start with your dog, tape it and send it, I comment, give suggestions on how to proceed etc. You get a new list every two weeks, taking old tricks further, checking the progress and starting with new stuff. We'll go through 6 "to do" lists, so this class will be 3 months long.
What do you think? Let me know how many of you would be interested in this. Those who want to participate in handling class need to have an access to equipment to set a course somewhere and a camcorder to tape it. To participate in puppy class, all you need is a dog (not even necessary a puppy!) and a camcorder. Those who want to audit don't need anything other than paying auditing fee and by this, you get an access to all the videos and comments and you're welcome to ask questions and participate in the discussion. The plan is to start end of February, but you're welcome to post your wishes and preferences.
Oh, and yes, we're getting fancier, that's the new look of our training DVDs:
I am interested in doing both classes, can’t wait 🙂
Hi silvia,
I am interested too in the puppy class with my 7 month old so just let us know the details.
Hi Silvia,
It is the first time I post a comment here so I am not sure It will work fine at first attempt but anyway I am interested too in the puppy course for my 7 month old…
I´m interested! How do I sign up?
I really want to participate in this class as an auditor. My pup will (hopefully) be born in the end of February, and this sounds like just the thing for us!
Can I sign up for the class right away?
Because there is so much interest, we’ll indeed open registration very soon, hopefully Monday already. I will publish all the details then.
Sounds GREAT!!! Thank you for your quick answer.
Hi thetre. yes please i am very interested, any idea on how much? i would like to start with pup but could that include the start of sequensing please for cik cap? in others words what we need to know for pups and a litte older 1 year olds
If I understand right, you want to enter agility class with a puppy who is just starting? This class is o.k. for beginners, but not “just starting” dogs, we would need another class for that, but then… Maybe we can indeed make one 🙂
Hi there Silvia. Sorry i did not explain myself quite correctly. Some of us as i have read, have had your 2 DVD,s for a little while and have been working on the heeling and cik cap so i would love to follow the puppy class and see if i have done alright with my training so far but just wanted to know if this will include start of sequensing with cik and cap as that is where i am at the moment or must we do this puppy class 1st and them go onto, hopfully a next class for just starting dogs, as your handling class will be too advanced for puppies and or young dogs now i guess. Perhaps it will be puppy class 1st, ( then starting dogs class 2nd) and then the handling class 3rd. It would also be great to learn when to introduce teaching the poles and the rest of the contact equipment. Thanks so much Alicia from South Africa. The photo if it attached is my pup- Spy- imported from Germany now just 1 year old. She is an Australian Cattle dog and i have worked this breed for 11 years and really enjoy them.
O.k., now I understand better. And no, puppy class won’t contain any sequencing, the focus of puppy class are tricks that help with thinking skills, focus, balance, coordination and strength of future agility dogs -- or are just plain fun 🙂 You can see some of the tricks we’ll work on in my puppy class videos. Meaning that those two classes are not exactly what you’re looking for… We might open something like this later on if there is enough interest, but for now, we’re starting with just puppy class and handling.
Hi there Silvia i would still love to then do the puppy class as then i can see how i have done and what i am missing out from what i have tried to teach from your DVD’s i already have and hopefully then we can get you to do the next stage sequencing.
O.k., deal, sounds like a plan! 🙂
Hi Silvia,
I’m very interested in following this, especially the puppy class. But also the handling interests me. Is one “obliged” to tape and send it ? I have possiblity to equipment, but when it snows too much, it’s impossible for me to train, as my training place is outdoor ! Everything depens also a bit from the cost of it…
Hi Silvia!
I’m a 15 year old dog-lover in Finland. I would have loved to join one of your one week seminars in the summer but they are in Slovenia and I can’t afford the trip, I used all my saving on buying my new pup:). Mum sure isn’t gonna pay for the trip so I guess Slovnia is out of quetion…
I would love to join the puppy class with my new Kooiker-pup Terra. He will be 3 months next week and we have been working on some very simple tricks with him, such as sit, left, right and jump into my arms. Well there’s really no jump involved yet but you know ;). He is such a playful little pup and I’m hoping I wont ruin him to much, he is just so perfect <3 How can I sign up?
Also, if you're ever comming to Finland or even somewhere remotely close to Finland (Sweden maiby?). Just let me know and I'll be there:)
The picture (if I succeed on adding it) is my 2 dogs Leevi and Terra
Cool, what a cute puppy! Long-distance class is somewhat cheaper and easier option as traveling to Slovenia yes, especially when you are from Finland 🙂 I’m not planning any seminar in your part of Europe for this year, sorry, but I think we can really do a lot with help of videos and internet. Registration will open next week.
I was thinking of buying that tricks DVD, but will that be kind of unnecessary if I take the long distance puppy class? Is it gonna be the same tricks?
No, it’s not the same, they’re are all different, actually.
No, nobody is obliged to do anything. But of course, if you think you won’t be able to post videos, then an option of auditing would make sense -- then you can still run all the courses later, when you can, and meanwhile participate in the discussion.
I woud be very interested in doing the puppy class with my 20 month old tervuren. I have built his foundation work around your ideas and would LOVE some feedback 🙂
Great idea,
I’m in! At least for handling.
This is so cool -- can’t wait!
What a great idea. I’m also very interested in the puppy class with my 6,5 months old dog.