Announcing: long distance classes!
New LoLaBuLand project for 2011: long-distance classes!!! You can either participate or audit, all through this website, all on a special wish from those who live too far to come to classes. We'll do both puppy and handling classes, the plan is as follows:
For handling class:
I send a course map of a course we did in my handling class and then give you two weeks to set it, run it and send a video. Then we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different choices, I will also publish a video of my dogs on that course. After a week or two of discussion, I send another course and then you again have two weeks to set it and post a video. We'll do 4 courses, so the class will be about 3 months long.
For puppy class:
I write you a "to do" list, you ask if something is not clear, you start with your dog, tape it and send it, I comment, give suggestions on how to proceed etc. You get a new list every two weeks, taking old tricks further, checking the progress and starting with new stuff. We'll go through 6 "to do" lists, so this class will be 3 months long.
What do you think? Let me know how many of you would be interested in this. Those who want to participate in handling class need to have an access to equipment to set a course somewhere and a camcorder to tape it. To participate in puppy class, all you need is a dog (not even necessary a puppy!) and a camcorder. Those who want to audit don't need anything other than paying auditing fee and by this, you get an access to all the videos and comments and you're welcome to ask questions and participate in the discussion. The plan is to start end of February, but you're welcome to post your wishes and preferences.
Oh, and yes, we're getting fancier, that's the new look of our training DVDs:
This sounds really great. I will have to borrow some cash to audit
-- I have lots of trouble getting someone to help film me.My dogs are a little older but any new tricks are great and I have had so much trouble finding a good class in scotland that this will really help me lots
I think you can film pretty much everything also with a static camera, that really shouldn’t be a problem.
I would love to attend one of your puppy classes with my pyr shep (face rase). Do you have an age limit? My puppy is just 7 weeks for now (I’m gonna bring her home in about a week:D) and will be just under four months at the end of february. About signing up for your puppy class, is it “first come, first served”? I can imagine your distance classes will be very popular and since there are no good puppy classes this spring in my area I really want to take your puppy class!
Nope, no age limit, there is never too young or too old to start having fun with the owner! And yes, it’s “first come, first served”. Hope to see you in class, many PyrShep class-mates!
Hello Silvia,
I would love to take part on your long distance handling classes.
Looking forward to your reply with more info!
Sure, you’re still in time to run our first course, it’s already on net! You can register here and then you get an access to your classroom to see the course and others’ runs.