At the moment, my major focus are long-distance classes - they work really great as I can supervise the whole process, unlike as with seminars. So you're more than welcome to join in the fun!
I'm still doing 2 camps per year in LoLaBuLand, exclusively for my on line students.
The dates for 2014 are now fixed: 16-19 June and 22-25 September.
There are some changes this year. We’ll have a smaller group and only 4 days as 5 days was a bit too much for the dogs. Also, this time we won’t go with “first come” system, but those who took more classes will have an advantage in getting a spot as with less spots and just two camps, I guess they will fill quickly… Both camps are reserved for on line students and you can send an application for a spot till end of January. Right after, I’ll let everybody know who got in.
The price for 4 days is 360e and you will be asked to pay 100e in advance to reserve a spot once the spot is confirmed in February.
Dates for 2015 will be known in January.
Some pictures of April 2012 camp (by Maja Rokavec):
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And August 2011 camps (by Maja Rokavec and Maria Pajzderska):
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Ooh I’d love to come to the one week camp in 2011 August. I live in the US…a bit of a hike but if I save enough money, it would be great fun. Only question, which dog to bring. haha
I also am going to come to the MN seminar in early 2011 I think…again not sure which dog I want to bring but I’ll figure it out by then.
Yeap, would be great if you could come! You could join the camp and EO within the same trip, EO will be very close to us next year. Looking forward to meet you in MN!
Where can I find a list of US seminars?
I’m very interested in both, camp and workshop.
August will be perfect! 🙂
my English is very basic … so I did not understand everything 🙁
where the seminar takes place???
and in what languages???
because if it is in French, I can move to Slovenia and save a little
unless you come to France this summer???
Thank you to share your experiences through your site!
Seminar will be in English, but you can ask questions in French too. No seminars planned for France this year, sorry…
I am very interested in a seminary! I like to come to the one week camp.
Best, Veronika
Have you thought about coming to Arizona on your US trip? All of your seminars are back east! Your puppy class is amazing…it looks like loads of fun.
Would love to come to Arizona once, but well, I had no requests from there, so…
I, I, I´m interested. My two foxterriers are not the best kind for tricks and agility but I don´t mind! We will arrive:o)!
Cool!!! But how could a Terrier not be good for agility or tricks???
Because everything all around is much more interesting then me:o))): a big fly, a mouse one meter under the ground, a bird high in the sky and not at least other dogs barking around:o))). I think we need a little help…:o).
I live in Minnesota, and would love to come to the seminar in 2011! When will we be able to sign up for it? Also, if we have more than 1 dog, should we just bring 1?
I have no idea:). The person hosting a seminar would have this kind of info, I’ll publish their contacts soon.
Also, do you think you’ll be doing any seminars in the U.S. in later 2011 or 2012? Because I’m going to be getting a puppy then (summer 2011 or summer 2012), and would really really really like to attend the puppy foundations part.
Yes, I’ll probably be back in early 2012, but don’t know where just yet… What kind of puppy are you getting?
I will be getting a Border Collie! 😀