At the moment, my major focus are long-distance classes - they work really great as I can supervise the whole process, unlike as with seminars. So you're more than welcome to join in the fun!
I'm still doing 2 camps per year in LoLaBuLand, exclusively for my on line students.
The dates for 2014 are now fixed: 16-19 June and 22-25 September.
There are some changes this year. We’ll have a smaller group and only 4 days as 5 days was a bit too much for the dogs. Also, this time we won’t go with “first come” system, but those who took more classes will have an advantage in getting a spot as with less spots and just two camps, I guess they will fill quickly… Both camps are reserved for on line students and you can send an application for a spot till end of January. Right after, I’ll let everybody know who got in.
The price for 4 days is 360e and you will be asked to pay 100e in advance to reserve a spot once the spot is confirmed in February.
Dates for 2015 will be known in January.
Some pictures of April 2012 camp (by Maja Rokavec):
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And August 2011 camps (by Maja Rokavec and Maria Pajzderska):
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Hi Silvia ! I would like to know if there will have some camps in lolabuland for 2016? And if you will announce the date soon? Inty and I are still hoping for Slovenia one day…..
Hi Marion! I hope Inty is doing great! I’m afraid I just announced no camps… -- but more classes for 2016… Sorry…