= 12 weeks of feedback + 2 weeks of a break in between
- no equipment neededYou can now join November class, starting on November 14! This class can be done in small places, with no equipment, and is appropriate for every age, for conditioning of active performance dogs and for keeping senior dogs happy and fit. - It's never too young or too old to learn! I always make sure to add enough challenges also for adult dogs who know many tricks already, with emphasis on verbal discrimination and conditioning. So yes, there are some extras to the normal Puppy Class program now!
This class promotes the development of physical and mental skills, helps puppies to learn how to learn, how to use their mind and bodies, builds great body awareness, balance and strength. It's not only beneficial for puppies, but also for active agility dogs or retired dogs to keep them busy, fit and young.
We will start with the first to-do list on November 14, but you can register and then enter the classroom already now, take a look around the classroom, post your introduction, and start with pre-homework 🙂
Puppy Diary video is a must-watch before the class, so if you don't have it yet, choose the first option and you will get a link to a download after payment. If you have it already, choose the 2nd option. The 3rd option is for auditors, repeaters (who took this class with the same dog before), and those registering 2 dogs in the same class.
Please make sure your are registered and logged in before proceeding to payment with paypal - this will ensure you will get your correct access automatically.Puppy class PARTICIPANT + Puppy diary video download (300 EUR/ cca 318 USD) |
Puppy class PARTICIPANT (if you have Puppy Diary already) (270 EUR/ cca 286 USD) |
Puppy class AUDITOR/REPEATER/2nd dog (220 EUR/ cca 233 USD) |
silvia.trkman at gmail.com
Hi Silvia,
I just paid for puppy class, 2nd dog but it said auditor and I didn’t get directed to a registration page. Maybe I misunderstood. Is 2nd dog mean that I should have 2 dogs in puppy class?
If I registered wrong, let me know how to correct it.
Ann & Nina
The registration for next class is not open yet, so only auditing of the past class is possible at the moment… But yes, 2nd dog option is only for those who have 2 dogs in the same class and repeaters are only those who took the class with the same dog before, sorry… Maybe I refund this and then you register when new class opens?
i went out to sign up before work this morning and i don’t see that this is open yet for sign up?
Sorry for the delay! Just opened it right now!
Good Morning,
I would love to sign up for this course is it open yet?
Thanks ‘
Sorry for the delay! Just opened it right now!
Hi Silvia,
I took this class 2 years ago and was considering auditing it again this round for fun. I was wondering if there have been many changes to the class in the past 2 years or if it is pretty similar?? If it is pretty similar I might save to try one of the foundation classes because I have not gotten to take those yet!
Thank you,
The program as such is the same. There are just more extra topics discussed + more ideas on extra challenges for those students who make the basic program look easy! 🙂
Hi Silvia,
I know you say no age requirement but my puppy is just ten weeks and still a bit uncoordinated. Do you think it will okay or should I wait? Thanks!
Ellen (of the inov-8 baregrip shoe club :-))
That’s o.k.! We start easy and build from there slowly, adjusting to each puppy’s needs!
Hi Silvia!
Hope you and the doggies are ok!
I was wondering if I could enter the class if my puppy arrives only in mid-december?
I am an experienced trainer, and I have most of your DVDs already (watched them a dozen times each!)
You will miss some weeks of feedback, but if that’s o.k. with you, that’s o.k. We’ll just do what we can in remaining weeks and then you can finish up on your own when the class ends mid-February. You can ask questions already before you get the puppy of course.
Ok, thanks, I’ll do that! It’ll give me some time to watch the DVDs again also!
Just one thing: my agility club will refund part of the price, because I am a volunteer agility coach, but they will need some kind of bill as proof… Do you think you could provide that?
Can’t wait to experience the fun with my little one! XD
Yes of course -- we do everything with bills, so just tell me if you need something else as your name (like your club) written on it.
Great! It has to have the date of the beginning of the class on it, please, because we get annual subventions 😉
O.k… -- so 9th NOvember?
Yes please, that would be perfect! 🙂
Hm, the only problem is I don’t find your payment at all 🙂 Did you pay from another e-mail/name?
Oui ! Je n’avais pas fait attention à cela !
J’ai payé sous le nom de Patricia Chenu
Email : Patricia.saghaard@orange.fr
Bonjour, je viens de m’inscrire à la puppy class, j’ai pris la formule participant avec le puppy diary.
Seulement voilà, je n’ai rien à télécharger. Où avoir le puppy diary ?