Graduation Foundations September 2014
So this is it... As the class is ending, here is the place to send your summed up videos of what you've learned in past few months that we spent together. It was a really fun group, so this will be a memory page for this class that will stay open for ever.
Graduation videos are new for this class and will be done like this: you can post them any time, but gathering likes starts whenever it's posted. Whoever has the biggest number of likes (only "likes" on this website count - those given directly on YouTube and Facebook don't count to make it easier to track) by February 15 gets a free next class of their choice 🙂 - And the next three get a free download link to a training video of their choice!
Hello Sylvia
How can I knom if Jaya and I succeded in Graduation ?
Thanks for your answer.
Everybody who posts a video graduates! 🙂 Graduation video is the final act and everybody graduates because everybody worked hard!