I miss videos from some participants... I hope you're still posting it, it really doesn't matter if you're not finished with the trick just yet, you can always do that later, but it's good to have some directions, that's why I would like to see everybody's videos!
But well, it's time for a new to-do list:
1. see in what situations your dog gets really crazy and exited or runs as mad and name it
2. make the front feet target lower&lower and smaller&smaller and then fade it completely, still circling away from the dog and have him follow your leg. Then, add movements to the side, forward and backward and reward your dog for being glued to the leg
3. side version of 2on2off: try to get side legs (the two left or the two right legs) on an object. The easiest is to choose an object that is angled (I put a pillow under the angle against the sofa or a wall), so that the dog can't climb on it with all 4 feet. Because of 2on2off, they will probably try hind feet on, but position yourself next to an object so that the dog is parallel to it and will probably first try just one hind foot (it helps if you have a pee trick down already!): reward a couple of times so that he keeps it there as opposed to try to put the other hind leg on too and then see if you can get front foot on too. You can tell them to paw touch your hand that you keep close to an object and eventually fade the hand to have both feet on an object. Jackpot if the dog puts both feet on at the same time (vs. first hind, then front). Do it with both sides right from the start, you want to build muscle and balance on both sides.
4. one object into another: shape the dog to pick up an object, then to carry it around, then to carry it in the direction of another object, then to let it go close to it and eventually to actually put it in another object. I usually start directly with two bowls of the same size, but to make it easier, you can also use a toy and a box or something similar. Do try it with a bowl too, though, they require more precision.
5. I see many started that already, seeing the video I posted on the website - those that didn't, start with hug the pole/umbrella trick, first clicking for any paw touch, then for sliding to the side and then for going more&more around the object, the final goal is a firm hug with one or both front feet around the object - see this video
6. stays with distractions: tell the dog to sit or down and continue with proofing the stay until the release word as we were discussing in 2on2off case in the last lesson: have them stay in a position with you running passed them, throwing toys and treats, making different hand gestures etc. - then say "go" (sometimes standing still, sometimes while moving) and reward, preferably with a toy as you want a fast start out of the position on "go"
Does anyone have video of their dogs “hopping” into the back-leg 2o2o…?
Mabel still does one-leg (she kind of searches out the surface with one leg) then another and just trying to see what you do it against and exactly what it looks like!
P.S. A week break during Easter is fine with me! Now that we are doing tricks she didn’t already know part of it definitely takes longer ๐ (To everyone else please don’t feel behind, most of us that are “ahead” have older dogs who had a good base already)
I think Nyx is pushing her hind feet up very nicely. You can try to make it happen with an empty object and click for anything that looks more like a push as climbing. But then, one-leg style is a great start for side legs! ๐ O.k. for the break then!
hi classmates, hi Silvia,
I think about buying a camcorder, that I can post videos in the next group I’ll join, but I have no idea which one would be good. I would be happy for any advice. Thanks in advance!
Hi Susanne,
I have a Vado HD and I’m happy with it. It’s small and light and easy to use.(You don’t really need HD though.)
The Flip is supposed be good, too. These have a “YouTube”-Function which makes it very easy to download and share your videos. Kodak has a new small video cam that is a bit cheaper. Look for one with about 8 GB, don’t worry about zoom. Make sure that it has a little connector on the bottom for a tripod; You can get a small lightweight tripod for about 20 Euros.
I have Sanyo Xacti, I chose it because of full HD option -- not really important for tricks, but good for running contacts! I’m really happy with it, other that it blurs the picture when you zoom in, so it’s definitely not a good choice if you plan to do lots of zooming in ๐
for exo 4: Felix does not report, how did you learn to take your dog to a specific object in the mouth on your application?
Shaping ๐ Put an object on the floor and click for looking at it, then for sniffing it, then opening the mouth, then for picking it up, carrying it around etc. That’s why I love this exercise: you can’t lure it, you need to shape it! ๐
I did my video a bit early this week, there are some spots we are doing well, and some places we are doing not so well, so I figured posting now couldn’t hurt. We had agility class earlier that night and it was surprisingly hot so she’s a bit less cooperative than normal (and I’m in post-shower pjs!).
You can definitely tell how much she’s thinking though, at one point I’m looking at the camera and she starts trying to spin on an object! And just b/c some people might ask we did try the side-leg 2o2o on something like a low step and having her walk over it, but she wouldn’t stop putting both back feet on.
As always all comments and criticisms are welcome!
What a nice hug! Did you try with one leg, from a sit position too -- just guessing you need another challenge for next week ๐ To add duration to a hold, I usually go by delaying the click. Your version is interesting too, never did it that way, would be interested how that goes! Heeling position looks good, especially on a right side -- for left side, rewarding from left hand might make it even better. It was also very good to not insist on a handstand. It’s physically hard for the dogs and if she was tired from agility training or, also possible, from the handstands you did in previous days, it’s better to give her a break. Whenever I see the dog is not comfortable doing something, I just move on to something else, try again in a day or two and if the problem is still there, try to find the reason. Anyway, can you think of another empty object? OR, actually, as she is not as tall as Grace, you could use what I did with Le: I sat on the chair and had my legs somewhat diagonally, so that she could first climb a little. Then I went to vertical legs and then I pulled my feet more&more under the chair, so my knees were actually the first point she could lean against, but as she knew she can do it on my legs, she could do it even when my legs didn’t really offer the climbing option… -- Does that explanation of my legs positioning makes any sense? For side legs, what if you click for duration of hind foot first and then simply ask for a paw -- she probably knows to put it in your hand? You can also go back and fourth, clicking for hind and front foot and see if you can get two at one point, but the first version will definitely be faster.
Well aren’t I glad I posted early, that was full of great ideas!! One thing I should have mentioned I *think* I know how she’ll progress with the hug, as when we started trying to get her to hold things in her mouth she kept trying to get it out of her mouth and into her hug position!
The rear leg idea is fantastic so I will definitely give that a try, and I’ll try your tips for side legs too. I’ll keep you updated on the hold in her mouth duration to see if we can’t get a bit better, it’ll be so great to get that one as I’ve always wanted to teach her to carry items as a cool trick (and handy when my arms are full!)
Hi everyone and Silvia.
Half of our homework is here.
He was thirsty, tired from play at the park.. (I gave him plenty of rest in between)but I thought I should be posting those videos to get an idea of what is our improvements.
His body is still curled around me when heeling but getting better slowly.
He loves duck toy to cuddle, but not bottle or pole… so I will keep teaching this behavior with duck toy and change to smaller stuffed animal then.
Interesting, he really does seem afraid/uncomfortable with the pole. Of course, you can first work with a toy (that’s a BIG toy!), but I would still try with a pole too later on, when he understands the trick, just to show him that objects are not scary. Heeling is o.k., but yes, it’s even better on the last video you sent -- meaning that things go in the right direction! ๐ How far are you with the hug trick by now? -- Yeah, sorry it took so long to reply, I somehow missed your video…
Hi. This is our 2nd session with bowls. Baby steps… ๐
Silvia, can we still post videos next week or that would be too much work for you when we start again?
That’s VERY good for the second session! Definitely getting there soon! ๐
Hi Everyone
Grace and i seem to have a very funny problem w our heeling. She has been doing very well with continuing to pivot without the object. She will step sideways when i do and seems to follow my leg in every direction except straight ahead! It seems i have conditioned her v effectively to do the circles, so much so that the idea of going forwards seems ridiculous to her. When i step forward she continues to circle & follows my back leg -- moves as though she is going to do a backwards weave. If i take a bigger step she ends up facing the opposite direction to my forward motion (behind my legs).If i stand still she is offering backwards circles around me ( a new trick!). The only way i could get her to follow me fwd was to lure her with my hand. Any better ideas? Silvia, have you seen this problem before?
She’s doing really well with the other tricks. She managed to stack the bowls by the second session (i thought this trick would be almost impossible for us bc she has always seemed v uncoordinated w her mouth). I thought i’d share the way we did it in case it helps someone else who’s having the same prob. When i first started i had 2 v similar bowls and she kept picking them both up and giving them to me (or pivoting in them). Like Laura, i then switched to one heavy bowl that she couldn’t pick up and a lighter one. I started w the heavy bowl and shaped her to put the clicker in the bowl, then my keys, then a smaller measuring bowl and then the metal bowl. I always rewarded her in the bowl. As soon as she understood what i wanted with the clicker she then progressed very quickly w the other objects. Hope that helps ๐
Yes, it’s not uncommon at all! What I do in this situation is to keep circling, only that I don’t circle on one spot, but always do somewhat forward and somewhat into the circle step. Gradually, with every next step, I do less&less of a circle and more&more of a forward motion -- it shouldn’t take much longer as one session to have forward only step. I hope the explanation is clear, though?
And yes, putting smaller objects in is easier, the easiest version of this trick is actually the toys in the box or a drawer.
Thanks so much for this comment Sylvia. I’ve been struggling with this and am embarrassed to say that I made the bowl stacking too hard. I’m off to get my horse rubber bowls that I use for the box and shape Nero with the largest to smallest. So psyched to try it in the smallest steps!
Yes,. it’s sure easier that way. I usually simply start with bowls and keep a criteria low enough at first, but it sure takes longer as if you make it easier first ๐
Thanks silvia. Our heeling is getting better but she is still a little unsure so not showing the same enthusiasm as she was w the pivoting on an object. Just to clarify, did you mean for me to make the circles wider so that they still have a circling component but also some fwd movement?
I’ll try to post a vid soon
Poor Grace, i think she thinks it’s supposed to be harder than it is. She has tried targeting my foot and also to do the entire heeling while limping. When i was teaching her to stack the bowls she thought she had to do it with one back leg in the air!
Yes, wider would explain it better! ๐ And yes, I always laugh at the combinations they come up with! ๐
So great to learn from each other!
I never thought of getting a more heavier bowl รกnd to put the reward into the bowl! Thanks so much!
Naming the running with “Go”.
Heelwork ๐
2on 2off and the release. first time we used a toy.
This is going really well, a real joy to watch! And wow, she sure is FAST! How tall is she? You can now also do stays in normal, sit or down position, still with the disturbing factor of a toy, but for now still rewarding with food in a position first and then releasing to a toy. When this is 100%, you gradually progress to not rewarding in a position at all anymore, let be a release to a toy a reward for a stay.
Ok i will work on sit stay. She hasn’t learnt a down command yet. But maybe its time to work on that ๐
She is nearly 33 cm tall.
I am really happy about her heeling ๐
Oh, that’s a good size. Definitely in Small, but not too small ๐ And yeah, maybe it’s about time -- you have whole next week now to catch up on down! ๐ But to tell you the truth, I think Le doesn’t really know the “sit”, just “down”. But hey, she knows a “sit up”! ๐
I really enjoyed watching that too! She is so cute & speedy ๐
And some more of our homework.
Put a toy in a bowl. Zushi thought that it was 4 in the box game ๐
Backing up in 2 on 2 off.
2 on 2 off with side legs.
Going well! Her right hind leg seems to be dominant, she always steps in 2on2off with it first and therefore is not so good at left side legs as she is with right -- so just work left side legs more ๐ For an object into an object trick, you can first shape picking up an object and carrying it around a little bit first, without the presence of the second object that could remind her of 4in -- so just the toy, no bowl first and when she has that part, bring the bowl into the picture.
ok. we will work on that ๐