Some dogs never die…
Simply The Best de Loubajac, 20.9.2001 - for ever...
I will see her smile on every dog running those contacts, on every dog doing cik&cap, every dog doing tricks... She started something big, too big to ever die.
Such a big heart, such a big attitude, such a big character in that crazy little dog. So unique, so special, so magic. That little funny looking dog who went with me to University, who travelled the world with me in her little sherpa bag. That crazy little dog who changed my life, little dog who put agility in a whole new gear, winning World Championships with more advantage as ever seen before or after... Yes, she always loved to go fast - and she left us way too fast... After successfully fighting the nasal tumor and magic recovery of her palate fistula, new tumors in her lungs and peritonitis got us off guard... But her spirit, her passion, her enthusiasm are way too big to ever leave us.
Thank you La for being the best dog I could imagine. Thanks to all her fans who were sending good thoughts her way. Thanks to her team of oncologists, dr.Meier from Zurich, dr.Kleiter from Vienna and dr.Nolan from Raleigh, and her on site vets Maja and Asja.
Run wild my love, my one in a billion, my everything.
Run free La!! You truly are on in a million. xoxo
Oh Silvia, I’m so very sad to read this and so very, very sorry for you!!!
It’s the worst thing ever to loose a beloved friend!
You wrote such a beautiful goodbye to her! I can only imagine the grief you are in… But I’m sure La will be with you forever!
Always on our hearts..La!!!
Oh no! I’m so sad to read this..
Run free La!
oh no Silvia!!!! I am sobbing……so very sad…….such a legacy she left. She touched my life in so many ways and changed my dogs lives every day. I can not imagine your sadness. She was special beyond special. never to be outdone, I can’t believe this day has come………I’m so glad I met her just that one time to say I did. Love and hugs to you………….Amy
very sad news silvia : ((
she was the coolest little dog and a true friend.
so sorry for you.
She’s The dog that everybody will remember forever with a big smile…she was Just fantastic….and she was perfect for you ….but The great thing is that you were perfect for Her….
A big Hug Silvia ….
moje iskreno sozalje Silvia…
Oh so sorry Silvia. La was so inspiring for everybody. But what a happy life she had to your side… She is definitively in agility history. Good road little La.
There are no words. Run fast and free La. She makes us smile.