New classes!
Running Contacts long-distance class started yesterday! You can still register this week and join in the fun!
Announcing next two classes: new Puppy Class and Agility Foundation class are starting on 10th October!!! I'll open the registration beginning of September, so check back then!
And if you want to see some of what we learn in Puppy Classes, I made "graduation pages" of first two puppy classes open to everybody to access so that you can see the videos the students made for graduation in February Puppy Class and in March Puppy Class.
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For new puppy class and AF you mean a puppy class IV and AF II or more tricks and more AF?
Those are repeat classes, not “more” yet. 🙂 I think we’ll start with more tricks end of October and the continuation of AF would actually be already handling class 🙂 -- probably starting end of October too.
Hi Silvia, When will your next Running Contact Class start after this one? I’d like to finish up with Agility Foundations and then focus on the next class. Yesterday I found an old carpet runner and cut it to 24ft (equivalent of two dogwalk sections) and am running Nero across that making sure that he strides 4 times. I put some bright tape every 6 ft so I can judge the eveness of his strides. Once he’s crusing this with different entries and exits I’ll add 12 more feet. I’ll put a snippet of it in my next AF video. Anyway my ideal sign up time is when Nero is closer to 11-12 months so I don’t have to worry as much about his joints. I have a great club facility that I can practice in in the winter.
Nancy and Nero
Next one will start in December. At the flat stage, I don’t proof for different entries and exits, it’s too hard for the dog to understand the beginning and end when it’s all flat, so I add those challenges later on. At the flat stage, my only concern is the dog is running nicely and in full extension, jackpotting the best hits, but without requesting them at that stage.
Super--December will work for me. We’ll have finished the AF class, and gotten into full winter here. The barn our club has has two 12′ x 200′ areas and two 30′ x 100 areas. It’s kinda a wierd setup as it’s a cow barn at the fairgrounds here. I’ll be able to set a dogwalk in the narrow long section and run run run. That’s how I trained my other three dogs. None were as strong and fast as this one so once we’re adding that height it’ll be great to have supervision!
Love the photo!!! Is that La?
No, it’s Phoebe, a BC owned by Maja (author of a photo) who trains here.
hi Silvia, I transfered the money for rc class yesterday, but I think, it would be better if I join the rc-class in december. Its enough for us to do the foundation class straight. Is it possible to join the rc class in december?
What kind og equipment would be needed to join the handling class?
Sure, it’s whatever you would prefer. Next one should start end of December/beginning of January. In handling class, we use all the equipment, but many people don’t have it all, it’s always possible to skip a part, substitute one obstacle with another, run it in parts and similar, so I wouldn’t worry about it.