10 weeks of feedback + 2 weeks of a catch up break in between
- appropriate for dogs with solid foundations
- Xtreme Foundations DVDTo keep Foundations class graduates busy and to be able to follow them further, we'll be starting with Xtreme Foundations class on January 16! Foundations class is not a requirement though - anybody with a dog with basic foundations is welcome to join! Please note I only hold this class once a year, so it's now or in 2026... Mastering foundations first is not needed though.
Inspired by courses getting harder&harder year after year, allowing only either the fastest handlers - or those with best-trained dogs!!! - to survive - and motivated by all my students who are real Foundations pros already and just can't get enough of classes... 🙂 - here comes a great class for you!
We'll be following Xtreme Foundations DVD program:
It's especially appropriate for:
The class requires minimal equipment and space - you can do most of the exercises with just 2 jumps and 2 tunnels, but of course, you will need weaves for weaves lesson and at least one contact obstacle for obstacle discrimination lesson.
This class has 5 lessons and is 10 weeks long - each lesson is 2 weeks and we'll also have a 2 week catch up break in between. We're starting on January 16, but you can register and then enter the classroom already now.
Please make sure your are registered and logged in before you proceed to paying with paypal - this will ensure you will get your correct access automatically.Xtreme Foundations PARTICIPANT + Xtreme Foundations video download (290 EUR/ cca 300 USD) |
Xtreme Foundations PARTICIPANT (if you have Xtreme Foundations video already) (260 EUR/ cca 280 USD) |
Xtreme Foundations AUDITOR/repeater/2nd dog (210 EUR/ cca 230 USD) |
silvia.trkman at gmail.com
Hi Siliia,
Is it too late to join Xtreme Foundations? Will it be difficult to catch up? Or is everyone at their own pace?
No problem to still join! You can work at your pace and work on lessons in whichever order you prefer.