This DVD shows the easiest way to train weaves from zero to perfection, giving you total understanding of entries and independence and most efficient footwork, while making it all just another fun game. It also offers plenty of ideas for proofing for dogs who already know how to weave and can improve their weaving style at the same time.
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- Download version (29,99 EUR/USD 40, file size 700Mb)
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Thanks so much Silvia! Your answers just make so much sense, I appreciate your insights 🙂
Hey Silvia
Can I get a bit of clarification on something? I’ve just finished re-watching the weaves DVD after running into a bit of a problem with Loki now that we’re down to the last 7cm or so with our channel. He’s starting to have a lot of trouble with the 2nd/3rd pole now especially on non-straight entries (90 degree entries are very hard). I’m just not sure I understood how you would fix it on the DVD -- Would you work more on straight very fast entries, closing the channel, to help him learn to collect for the entry and then once he understood how to do this, you’d then go back to the harder entries? I think you suggested something similar when I was having this problem with Lu but her channel was much more open at the time than his. He has really good cik/cap but it doesn’t seem to be translating to the weaves yet.
Thanks in advance! 🙂
You can keep beginning poles open a bit more and close the rest more, so he starts to anticipate collection (that was not needed before) without failing too much, so you can continue with various entries. You can focus on shorter distances and less speedy ones to start with to make it easier and once he anticipates weaving, add speedier ones as well.
I have just a question:
How long is the weaves training with your method??? (to retrain a Border Collie who has slow weaves)
Thank you.
Hi Sylvia, just a question, my border collie goes so fast through the tunnel that now I’ve closed it (just a bit wider than body width), that he’s had twice that he injured himself. Since you’re focus is on going fast, what do you think it would be best to do for me? He doesn’t do the entrances correct all the time yet and I still need time to extend the entrances from further away and from the sides and with other obstacles, so I don’t think closing would be a good idea???
thanks, Monique
You can do some more work on entries on open channel yes to keep it safe for him. When you close so much he starts hitting the poles though, switch to food as a reward + do short distance restrains only to limit speed, we don’t want him to get hurt!!!
Hi Silvia,
I now have the same problem with Sum, we are at 3cm width channel. No problems with collection for entries, but he wants to go sooo fast in the weaves! (also goes faster if I try to catch up and then pops out). First he had nice side stepping rhythm but now tries to go faster (loves the weaves) and get’s a bit out of rhythm and starts hitting the poles. I have a way to weave channel.
You suggest to use food instead of toy? I only used toy with weaves, so how can I reward with food? Since I always have thrown toy after (occasionally reward from hand, but got lots of popping out if I only reward from hand).
He got stuck twice in weaves and I obviously don’t want him to get hurt, so something must change..
Yes, try no speed approaches + maybe food after, so he is not rushing too much. You can use MM or a bowl with maybe one piece of kibble in it -- and then you add more if he stays in nicely.
Thanks, I will try that! 🙂
we’ve been working with a channel about body width and Zip goes quite well, but we don’t seem to be able to move away from the entrance. If I do, he forgets the 2nd pole. I keep going back to the start and try to slow him down, so he thinks. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. Should I keep doing the same thing till he gets it all the time or slowly move further away from the entrance even though he makes mistakes now and again? Thank you. ps looking forward to start foundation course 🙂
Not sure I understand exactly what the problem is, but sounds like he is too dependent on your position? Go back to previous width and make it less dependent on you first, before narrowing it further.
Hi Silvia!
Can you maybe recommend me the best place where to order the best channel slalom to train with this method?
Thank you!
I got mine from USA -- Way to Weave. It’s really well made -- I love it allows narrowing in very small steps and just by one pole if needed. But I’m not sure how much is shipping from USA…
Hi Silvia, I have here no possibilty to train agility as it should be, no classes, no professionals around her. There is quite a big space in our backyard, where I could create my own agility parc, though not a perfect one.
A further problem is also my hubby, who doesn’t like to have so many big constructions in the yard. But we never use that space, so why not use it for the dogs. It can also not be seen from above and so cannot disturb the eye.
All this means I will have to sneak in some constructions over time. Which ones would you recommend to begin with?
About the weave: Can I also begin by using just my legs until I have something more useful?
I’m poisened from that sport and I definitely want to begin with it somehow.
Yes, would be great to have some equipment, so you can work on your own! The most essential to have to start with would be a tunnel or two and some jumps -- that you could even do yourself. For weaves, you could make stick in the ground poles. Contacts you can add later, you can do lots with just tunnels, jumps and weaves!
I see you said you got your channel weaves in USA could you share from where. I am in USA. Also do you recommend a set of 6 or 12 or other at the beginning stages.
Thank you Sumac
Silvia. I see you got your channels in the USA. Could you share where? I am in USA. Also do you recommend a full set of 12 poles only. Or can this be done with less? Thank you, Sumac
I have Way to Weave channel -- I like it a lot! I prefer to use 12 poles right from the start, but of course, it’s possible to use just 6 if space limitations call for it.
Hi Silvia,
I have a problem with my jack russell,
She always entries the weaves but she goes out at the second or third pole and Barks to me. So i try your method with treat and train to increase ver indipendence. But when i open the weave she goes out to the channel and the to weaves with the external poles. I Have to close or open more the channel?
Excuse for my poor english. Thank you
Yes, this sometimes happens with dogs who know to weave already. So close the channel more for now and then open it gradually, but no need to open more as below body width, so just to about 10cm or so.