So this is it... As the class is ending today, here is the place to send your summed up videos of what you've learned in past few months that we spent together. It was a really fun group, so this will be a memory page for this class that will stay open for ever.
You can post the videos any time, but gathering likes starts whenever it's posted. Whoever has the biggest number of likes (only "likes" on this website count - those given directly on YouTube and Facebook don't count to make it easier to track) by September 30 gets a free next class of their choice - And the next three get a free download link to a training video of their choice!
My first official class compilation video EVER! About Time I did one and this is for Silvia And Poppy!
This class was So Much Fun that it should last forever.
Love it!!! Showing progression really well -- Poppy sure mastered many skills! Love her turns -- and enthusiasm! 🙂
Hi all,
Here is our graduation movie 🙂 We had so much fun 🙂 both Maya and Onie and myself we learned so much. Far from mastering every skill but we keep working on it! Everything is still new to us being newbie in agility and my first dogs. So here it goes 🙂
Not bad for a newbie at all!!! 🙂 Your handling looks great already and they are sure really well trained! Onie’s turns are really impressive and Maya is sure always trying her best too!
thanks 🙂
thanks 🙂
So here it is, our graduation video! Hope you have fun by watching 🙂
Not finished everything but she surely had fun and that`s all about it should be, I think!
Really cute video!!! And great progress with bars! But yes, always some more work to do -- that’s the most fun part! 🙂
Had a great time during this course!
Really impressive skills already!!! She can do it all! Great job!!!
Here it is finally, our graduation video from Foundations fun 🙂 Thank you for this awesome class. Me and Coco have both learned so much!
Great job!!! Coco sure has great skills already -- so much fun to see a non-typical-agility breed do so well!!!
Hi Silvia!! A little late, but here it’s my graduation video with Toffee!!!
I’m so grateful for all your help and tips to improve during this process, we have learned so much!!!
AMAZING little Toffee!!! I think we’ll be seeing you two on World Championships very very soon 🙂 Great training, great handling!
We didn’t make a graduation video, so here is Vali at her latest seminar!
We played with people who have been on a world team and their young dogs, your foundations gave this newbie a shot ❤️
Not to mention, Vali worked great in a new place all day! It’s a big deal for her!!
Vali sure looks great!!! Beautiful wraps and great skills already!
Wish we could have practised our lessons with you guys!
Whip’s graduation video. I was looking back over videos from May when I first started running him again, and compared it to runs that we had last weekend. When I realised just how far we have come I decided it was worth compiling a video of our progress.
This is a collection of trialling videos from before the course, during the course, and then after the course finished. We still have a long way to go but I am no longer scared of him and always enjoy our runs together now!
Wow, what a difference!!! Both look so much better now -- forward drive AND turns! -- He looks great and your handling is so much more in time and confident now too! Great job!!!