Xtreme class open for registration
To keep my Foundations class graduates busy, I decided to start Xtreme Foundations class already on July 23! Foundations class is not required - anybody with a dog with basic foundations is welcome to join! It's a really fun class - probably my favorite class to teach!
Inspired by courses getting harder&harder year after year, allowing only either the fastest handlers - or those with best-trained dogs!!! - to survive - and motivated by all my students who are real Foundations pros already and just can't get enough of classes... 🙂 - I decided to add this class.
We'll be following Xtreme Foundations DVD program. The class is appropriate for all with solid foundations who want to train for even more independence and challenge their dogs further.
It's especially appropriate for:
- teams competing or aspiring to compete at highest levels
- slower handlers with fast dogs who need independence even more
- anybody enjoying training dogs, looking for even more fun challenges
The class requires minimal equipment and space - you can do most of the exercises with just 2 jumps and 2 tunnels, but of course, you will need weaves for weaves lesson and at least one contact obstacle for obstacle discrimination lesson.
This class has 5 lessons and is 10 weeks long - each lesson is 2 weeks and we'll also have a 2 week catch up break in between.
We're starting on July 23, but you can register and enter the classroom already now.
Please make sure your are registered and logged in before you proceed to paying with paypal - this will ensure you will get your correct access automatically.Xtreme Foundations PARTICIPANT + Xtreme Foundations video download (250 EUR/ cca 280 USD) |
Xtreme Foundations PARTICIPANT (if you have Xtreme Foundations video already) (220 EUR/ cca 250 USD) |
Xtreme Foundations AUDITOR/repeater/2nd dog (170 EUR/ cca 190 USD) |