EO and AWC, here we come…
Sooo... This little puppy who just turned 2 years, but is still just ears and tail (always making sure she wags that tail from one ear all the way to the other 🙂 - not that hard with nothing in between!), also known as BorderPap and still responding to her puppy Puppy name, barely weighting 11kg and running just 8 trials (maybe 20 runs all together?) in her lifetime before tryouts... My clumsy little puppy (that has a toy named after her, designed just for her as she would trip over with any other toy), with far from perfect structure or jumping style... -
That same puppy just WON Slovenian tryouts, both for AWC and EO (different calculations)!!! She won the 1st day already and then never left the lead.
It was not all pretty - we did have some baby dog moments and some big saves. But she definitely makes agility look ridiculously easy, given we started with Foundations 8 months ago... - and didn't work much on Xtreme just yet, since we spent so much time waiting for her to mature and on her jumping troubles...
But of course, we still have ways to go... She is still 1+s after To and Le and her jumping still needs lots of work!
And oh, yeah, Le qualified for everything as well and To started great as well, on 2nd place (after Ta) after the first weekend, but then had lots of bad luck the 2nd weekend, so we ended as 4th for EO and as a reserve for AWC. But I must say she was the best and looking better than ever - listening great, jumping beautifully, holding all her see-saws and always setting best times the 2nd weekend if I didn't play super safe and wrapped everything 🙂 ... - just a bit too many S's (with no other alternative) in those courses and she struggled with DW used the 2nd weekend for some reason...
With Le, some very weird misunderstandings and off courses... I guess I was just super worried about the surface the first weekend (VERY slippery, so my only goal for the 1st weekend was that nobody falls - and we achieved that, yeah!!!) and the 2nd weekend, the surface was good, but when this particular sand gets into tunnels (even if full anti-slip), it makes them super slippery, so both Le and Ta had a tunnel fall the 2nd weekend 🙁
So I guess I spent most of the time just worrying if everybody is o.k. and questioning myself if I really still want to trial, exposing my precious dogs to not always the safest surface or obstacles... Not to mention traveling as far as the Netherlands/Finland and being there for so many days... - not easy for an introvert! So I guess we'll take some time off now and try to gather enough power to actually go! 🙂
Here are some of our runs. Not all got filmed - not many To's runs at all, probably because she was always one of the first dogs to start and everybody was warming up etc. It's quite a job to video so many runs, so BIG thanks to all involved!!! And yeah, they are running so funny on that golf turf because it's so slippery... 🙁
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WOWOWOWOWOW!!! Congratulations!!!! super little BorderPap Ta!!!
Yea, hard to enjoy it when worried all the time about injuries. To stress-less (even better, stress free!) traveling and trialing!
Wow.. reading this that little Ta (and Le ofcourse) and you will be at EO and AWC makes me smile!! Congrats! I will be cheering for you from my couch! 😉
Wow! Congratulations 😀 I am not surprised- but really impressed! Looking forward to see your runs on the championships once again!
Congratulations!!!! Ta, Le, and To all look amazing to me:) Hope you have a great time at the AWC and EO.
Congrats Silvia ! Great job again and Yeah still proud of “ puppy” To as i love her style and power so much!
Happy to see you 2 at EO in our country
Good your dogs survived the bad surface ! !Most important thing
See you soon and ofcourse you are welcome in Tiel to see the puppies of sis Time
Amazing! Congratulations!