New DVD!!! :) – X-TREME Foundations
X-treme Foundations DVD will push you train for even more and get you ready for just about any extreme challenge you can meet on a course. It's especially appropriate for:
- teams competing or aspiring to compete at highest levels
- slower handlers with fast dogs who need independence even more
- anybody enjoying training dogs, looking for even more fun challenges
It covers extreme challenges on verbal discrimination, come to hand, threadles, pushes, obstacle discrimination, tunnel traps and weaves. It comes together with 17-page pdf file with many different sequences, mostly requiring minimal space and equipment, so it's ideal for x-treme winter training in small places!
And who else could be a better cover girl for Xtreme Foundations as... The Super Midget - hard to show her Xtreme speed and Xtreme skills in a picture... - but never a problem to show her Xtreme attitude 🙂
The DVD is 50 min long, plays everywhere in the world and can be shipped anywhere.
- DVD version (43 eur cca. 45 usd + 5 euros for shipping)
Shipping is the same regardless of where we are sending and how many DVDs you’re ordering.
OR, you can decide for the download version, save on shipping and have it on your computer in less than an hour after ordering.
- Download version (40 eur cca. 42 usd)
We recommend playing it with VLC or QuickTime player.
I think I can! I’m saving it for my recovery! Me, Spur and Bim are getting lots of hiking in with Lizzie and Moose this week while I can and she’s home from college. Lizzie said to say HI!
Been working on Bim holding a toy. He doesn’t have the best sit up balance, yet!
O.k. -- let me know if it doesn’t play -- or disappears at any point! 🙂 Hugs is sit up are hard yes, but I’m sure he will master it soon! Hi for Lizzie!!! We got snow as well now -- a dry version for a change, so not too bad afterall!
Ok, so it won’t play. I want to try it on my laptop as that worked for Agility Diary. So, should I just purchase it again and then you can credit me? I don’t have my email set up on my laptop, so I can’t have you send the link by email for that. Oh, you could private message me the link on FB maybe? Or aNy other ideas?
Had my surgery Friday…good ridence angry uterus…….., rough couple of days, but doing great now, ……. BORED!
Thanks!!!!! Amy
Yes, laptop should make it easier! I have just sent you a link to FB. I hope you’re back to training in no time! 🙂