Congratulations Channan and Kirk!!!
Channan and Kirk, Lolabuland Graduates and one of those "old" students that you feel like you know for ever - and more as just through online classes! - just won both Steeplechase Finals AND Grand Prix at USDAA Nationals!!! So so well deserved - look at those beautiful runs! And beautiful running contacts!!! 🙂
And Grand Prix - fastest time of all heights by 2s!!!
Super Kirk with super Channan!!!
Wow! Incredibly beautiful runs and such tight wraps! So great to follow in class and see this. Congrats!!
Way to go Channan!!!! So amazing to see her run and at such a young age!!!!! Congrats!!!!
Congratulations to Channing & Kirk!
What a great team!!!
Congratulations to Channan & Kirk!
What a great team!!!
Wow, nice runs and great team! Congratulations to Channan and Kirk! 🙂
Congratulations 😀 Such beautiful running contacts, and beautiful runs 😀
Wow! What a great team! Congrats!
Awesome runs -- congratulations!!!
Always loved the small but mighty Kirk 😀
Greatly fun to Watch!!!!! So smooth and making it look so easy. Kirk is amazing!