A3 To
So last weekend, To did her last exam for A3 and got to run with the best - she did her last exam just in time to run last EO and 3rd WC qualifications, so as big trial as it gets and really fun courses. - And she did just great! As we don't need clean runs anymore, I could finally just RUN rather as run safe, so we got some bars, BUT she set the best time in jumping run and in agility run she was only 0.14s after the fastest run despite we got a bit lost before the last jump. She sure makes every course look easy - definitely my easiest dog to run!
VERY proud of my shy, soft and sensitive puppy to excel at EO/WC qualifications at only 19 months. Of course, we missed most qualis because of her age, so we have no chances to qualify for this year, but just running it with little To was sooo cool!
And yes, Le, Bu and Bi are all qualified for EO 🙂
And check out what we got to test all the way from Australia: some really cool collars! Actually, it's a gift for To, but since they didn't believe me she is tiny enough for S size, we got another one in M size that fits Bi perfectly!
looks so easy- just perfect!
Proud owner and super proud breeder Silvia!!
Amazing to see you both run…just wow ,at age of 19 months 🙂
What a great gift ,the collars..love it!
Congrats with quali Le,Bi and Bu for EO…we will meet there…YES!!
See you there!!! 🙂