4 months already!
And yes, it's finally warm enough to get her used to the water! She was very disguised by it at first, but loves playing in the water now, she even took a little swim when she followed Bu a bit too far - but we're not completely there yet 🙂
We also made a huge progress with crates, she sleeps calmly in a crate now, no screaming any more! She is also not giving up so easily anymore, but we have some new challenges now, like not eating all that well and getting more distracted in new places. She still focuses nicely when there is action and a toy involved, but less action&food stuff is not interesting enough anymore - but I'm sure we can work through that now that there will be more trials again.
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Funny party in the water ! I have to be careful with my small dog because more than one time she swims in a pond but can’t exit when borders are too high and I must rescue her !!!
I received Garlic -- crate sleeping ready !
My breeder asks me for a crate, a toy and a sweater of my wife. She had prepared her for travelling in a crate and sleeping in a crate in their room 3 days before separation. It was perfect for us because Garlic sleeps in a crate from the first day. I had only to wake up 2 or 3 times to the needs. The toy is a mouse that Garlic still have and every day she runs with her mouse to the crate whem I say : we go to -- dodo -- !!!
The surprise was that she snores !
Yes, none of my other dogs had a problem with a crate… But To was really panicking, I think she had a bit of separation anxiety.
My breeder also gave us a mother pheromone colar. But I don’t know if it could have help !
I just love all the fun and joy that *always* speaks from your pictures. Such lucky, happy, content dogs (and owners I am sure :)).
I also am very jealous of village -- fields and meadows and woods AND ponds to swim in, it must be dog heaven 🙂
Unfortunately, we only get the ponds in winter and spring though, so the water will be leaving us in April or so… But that should be enough time to get To used to it and then enjoy swimming in a pool!
She is soooo cute…..I love her face <3<3<3…… oh and if To will ask Lilo, it is never to cold for water it is only a question of the right attitude…..
Yes, other as Le, my dogs go in at any temperature, but To was really shaking after when it was too cold, so we had to keep it really short.
Good to hear she is ok in crates now. I love her mottles and beautiful ears!
Hi Silvia,
I have a question for you. I’m actually about to pick up a baby BC puppy (yes, my Aussie friends might say I’ve gone to the dark side, haha), and I love your idea about taking your pups out in a sherpa bag. I googled dog sherpa bag and it just came up with dog carry bags where I was picturing more of a back-pack type situation. Can you show me what you use? I have a way of making a kind of ‘sling’ over my shoulder that could work but I’m not entirely sure how practical it is, especially for my tall husband, hehe.
I just adore To’s freckles, too cute.
I borrowed mine to a friend as To grew out of it, so I can’t take a picture, but it’s similar to this -- so basically a soft crate with handles.
Oh no you proved Penny right! For some reason I was imagining some kind of backpack or something, but you had what google told me was a sherpa bag. 😉 Well, I’ll see what I can find!
Yes, I borrowed a backpack for Le as we were hiking Corsica when she was 9 weeks, so you might have seen that one, but normally, I just use a bag like this.
And congratulations on your puppy!!! 🙂
I LOVE HER!!!! She is so awesome:))) I am a sucker for the upright ears:)))) Those pictures are fabulous!!!