3 dogs, 4 podiums :)
2012 was definitely a great year for us. Bu winning European Open and National Championship and then on World Championships winning a silver medal in jumping teams and bronze in individual agility and ending 4th overall - I'm really proud on how consistent she is, never setting a foot wrong. She is certainly not the fastest dog out there, but can actually be competitive thanks to her running contacts, turns, efficient jumping style and of course perfect lines. She is extra easy to run with, I really know I can trust her completely, she has really impressive commitment and we also mastered how to deal with her stress to the degree that this year, I was not worried at all about the microchip check or whatever - she handled everything brilliantly.
Here are her runs:
Team jumping - I loved this run and my handling choices, running the end and the line to the weaves all with the dog on the right, but she got stuck in weaves (we never run on such soft weaves) and lost some time:
Team agility - 5th place in that run, but I don't find any videos - please send a link if you find a video!
Individual jumping:
Individual agility - 3rd place:
Le is Bu's opposite - certainly the fastest dog out there 🙂 but at 2 years and a half, not just as consistent. She won National Championship, one run on European Open and one run on World Championships. Individual runs results actually mean more to me as cumulative results, so I was very happy about that and didn't expect more as that from her at that age. I'm really happy about all her runs, I think she was brilliant, but she was running differently on that footing as on grass, so I should have supported her more. She also still needs some more Foundations work, so we're certainly revisiting that this winter!
And last, but not the least: I'm very happy that after winning in 2003 and 2005 and 3rd place in 2011 La was back to podium - definitely the oldest dog on a podium and definitely looking great for her age! I guess she is a living proof that repetitive nature of running contacts training is NOT bad for dogs and that agility keeps them young and happy.
Here is our team agility, La running first and Le last:
And team jumping, 4th place for our team:
More of their videos in my post from yesterday. If anybody has or finds Le's individual jumping, let me know too! And oh, just a reminder in case you wanted to revisit Foundations too: October Foundation class is starting next week!!!
Photos by Anja Troha
Seeing Bu so happy is so inspirational Sylvia. Congrats on all your runs! I loved watching them over and over again. Congrats on all your successes of 2012! You and your beautiful dogs are very remarkable. I feel very fortunate to be your student, even if it is from a distance.
Becky and Keen
Amazing!! Simply amazing! “Repetitive nature of running contacts”? Spur would say now that he is trained he doesn’t get to run it enough!!! LOL!!! Thanks for putting these all together. I have watched them all over and over, but I don’t have them all in one place. 😀 So much fun to watch!!
Amy and Little Spur
Oh yes, you can’t believe how many times I was said RC are bad for dogs because they need to do so much running?!? 🙂 To me, running always sounded like a good thing 🙂
I am running into it, too, a lot. My “borrowed” dog owner has backed out saying just that, “too much running”. Yet, she is doing herding with her pup. Isn’t herding a lot of running??? 😛 I don’t understand how running a DW is harmful? Certainly the running through the woods and fields that my little dogs do is much more intense and concussive on their bodies. Heck, jumping up and down off the couch and bed all day is more work for their joints, LOL!!!!
Come to think of it, I probably haven’t been running Spur’s DW enough lately and that might be part of our little set back. He needs that joy, so I am going to go do some DW training, just for his pleasure!!! 😀
(Hi Amy!) I wonder why no one ever talks about how much the training strengthens the dog’s hindquarters? Silvia, I don’t know if you remember but when Byrdie started RC, and he used to have to take several short strides on the up ramp. He’s always been super active but just naturally somewhat weak in the rear compared to my other dog with the same activity level. This is how he’s doing it now. (Hope the picture shows up!) It’s not just RC, I’ve also been doing all the things from tricks class, running up hills, fitness ball, etc. But probably the main thing was RC. How can that be bad for a dog?
Anyway, congrats again and glad to hear it gets easier and easier, I’m praying that’s true for me, too! 🙂
Hm, well I think you have to click to enlarge the picture to see that he’s completely airborne on the up ramp. 🙂
Hi Diane! Great to see you and Byrdie again! Are you doing the advanced tricks class? I haven’t decided what to do this winter. I am doing foundations again, but I know my old MinPins would sure like to do some extra tricks.
I can’t speak to the RDW work improving Spur’s rear strength. His rear is his best part, he is crooked in front and has no neck, but his rear is actually not so bad. He has always done a nice two hit up, soaring the first apex. But, certainly it improves his speed and confidence, for sure. I would say training a RDW is why Spur is as successful as he is today! It makes him happy!
Amy, yes, definitely planning to do advanced tricks, probably starting sometime in November. Come do it with me!
Byrdie looks great! And yes, don’t ask me, I have no idea why running would be bad for dogs! 🙂
I love the black and white picture of you and Bu, it’s just too cute!! I’ve found Le’s jumping run, here:
http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=IT#/watch?v=jc14KwLkOqE there’s also La’s individual jumping ( if you don’t have it already of course 🙂 ) in the same youtube channel.
And here’s team agility large slovenia:
And: since everybody keeps talking about next year WC, can I please ask you to write a comment on what you think about holding WC in south africa and what you’re going to do ( compete or not in WC 2013 )? I’ve read opinions from several handlers and would like to know your point of view too! Thanks in advance 🙂
I started this conversation on Facebook… Here is the copy: About the WC next year… Sounds like many people don’t want to fly the dogs so far, are concerned about safety, financing, logistic etc. -- looks like FCI decision to hold World Championships in South Africa was not done with dogs and handlers in mind. I know some countries have to fly every year and I agree WC could once be in South or North America, but South Africa is far for everybody but exactly 12 dogs. All other 400+ dogs would need to fly in cargo for 12 and more hours. It just doesn’t make sense… How about writing a letter to FCI together and asking them to re-think their decision?
So no, I won’t go if the dogs will need to go to cargo -- only if they find another solution.
Thanks, I don’t have facebook, I didn’t see that 🙂 I really share your opinion (and other similar opinion ). I won’t anyway be able to go to WC ( even if I were good enough to, I couldn’t since both my dogs are mixes ) so I’m not really envolved in the problem, but I’m interested as well, and think choosing south africa will create lots of problem because as you say, it’s a matter of 400 dogs, not 50 or 60, flying. I know that hunters, when they fly with their dogs to another country to hunt, they use charter flight where they can keep their dogs in cabin even if they are bigger than the size cut off. They keep the crates with the dogs at the bottom of the plane. But I don’t know if this will be able to be possible for agility people too… Hunters usually are rich people so it might be that they fly with own planes.
The letter idea is great though, it would be worth giving it a try!
Yeah, seems like it’s too late to cancel, so charter seems to be the only solution, but not sure if affordable… I’ve heard blood tests alone that we would need are 400 euro per dog…
400 euro + charter flight and all other expenses? Well, agility people, on average, already spend lots of money for dog, competitions, travelling to competitions, etc. All those money for a single competition, even if a very important one, are definitely too much!
Cool, thank you a lot!!! I will add these to the post!
Silvia here it is Le Jumping..
Cool!!! Thank you!
Awesome runs Silvia! To have 3 dogs placing on the podium at Worlds must be a first for anyone! I keep watching all your runs over and over again. You and your dogs are so inspirational. You make the running DW look so effortless…….
Of course we are most impressed by Auntie Bu -- she is definitely the most efficient jumper and takes the most efficient line of any dog. We were able to watch the live stream of Individual Agility on Sunday -- I was on the edge of my seat watching the two of you……And to see her so happy and confident is just icing on the cake….Silvia, you just keep getting better and better!!!!
Shona and Bender
Thanks! 🙂 And well, it just gets easier and easier 🙂
Silvia, first let me just say Wow! You all looked amazing at WC’s. You really do make us smile.
Also I was reading the discussion on the comparison Guy did of Bu and Twizz. You talk about the difference between Bu and Bi. Do you have any overlays of the two of them running the same course? I think it would be interesting to see what different handling choices you make for the two of them.
BTW Spur is doing amazing. She started trialling and after just 5 weekends she is in the Excellent Level in both Agility and Jumping. We are still working on her speed and DW, but thank you so much for our Puppy through Foundation and DW classes. We could not have done it without you.
Wow, so happy to hear that Spur is doing so well! I mostly did the overlays of different paths with the same dog -- and it turned out shorter is faster also for my other dogs, like Le, who doesn’t turn so well. I’m planning a “Handling Tricks for Better Course Times” DVD on that 🙂
From Bu vs. Bi overlays, you can mostly only see that Bi is faster 🙂 -- everywhere 🙂 Lines, turns, DW, weaves -- she gains everywhere and is on average almost 2 seconds faster as Bu…
Oh I can’t wait for that DVD!!!!!! I’ll be on the look out for it. Do you think it will be ready for early next year?
It might take a while… I’m actually just finishing RC DVD and haven’t decided yet which to go for next: Handling Tricks or Foundations. Foundations would actually make more sense, but I sure had lots of fun with overlays. Interestingly, it shows shorter is always faster, even if the turn is not perfect -- like you can see in this comparison from WC after weaves. I think only me and Ashley Deacon were turning right on that jump!!! And just few weeks before, I timed this same situation with a DW (as I saw this judge likes this approach) and shorter was faster with all my dogs.
Silvia, have you done any overlays of Bu and any other dogs in the individual agility? -- she was amazing!!! I would love to see whether it made you faster by turning left after the jump after the wall -- most handlers seemed to be turning right as it gave a nicer line to the correct tunnel entrance, but Bu did it beautifully turning left, so smooth and direct to the tunnel, I think Lisa Frick turned right there?
Le was soo fast even with her inexperience! -- and her turns will only get tighter and tighter now and she will be very hard to beat! I did wonder why everyone was turning left on the jump before the seesaw -- I guess it gave a nicer and possibly speedier approach to the seesaw but to me it looked a lot longer so it was interesting to see your overlay of Le and Brava.
Congratulations again 🙂
Out of interest do you think you would have handled the jump -- tunnel -weaves in the individual jumping the same way with Bi (dog on your right) -- do you think you would have been able to get to the end of the tunnel to push to the weaves? -- it looked great with Bu.
There is Bu-Twiss (Andrea Folgar) overlay on Guy Blancke FB, http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=2597185824718 and then another one of Bu vs. Cayanne that I published in the first post from Liberec (see bellow) -- they were both turning right on that jump. I went for left because I know Bu can’t afford any additional step and am sure it was faster for her. But yes, most handlers, including Lisa, were turning right. But then, Hoss is simply faster as Bu -- I can beat Hoss with Bi, but NEVER with Bu. I could beat Heat, but for Cayenne and Hoss, I knew I can’t beat them if they have a good run. As you can see in these overlays, she is loosing on every straight line (also in tunnels!!!), but gains on turns and contacts.
But yes, I wouldn’t dare to push on Bi’s line after a straight tunnel 🙂 I would be worried to end with a broken leg 🙂 That’s also why I chickened out that blind on DW in EO (see link above) that then resulted in that huge detour…
And yes, turning left before the see-saw certainly gave much nicer approach to the see-saw… But from the overlays I did with the DW, I knew it doesn’t pay off. Le was never beaten in time despite her turns, but we’ll certainly be working on those this winter! We neglected them some as we needed to focus on course work once she started to run WC qualifications…
Thanks that is really interesting -- you can clearly see how much time you gain with your RCs!! Bu is so efficient and takes such a good line it is such an achievement for her to get the results she does -- and on harder twistier courses she can beat the super speedy dogs even if she cant match their flat out speed.
I guess in the end you need to know your dog and your own capabilities in order to decide which is the best way to turn/handle but I always think it is worth going for the shorter route even if more risky.
If you were running that EO course again would you try a blind with Bi -- I dont think I would be able to run fast enough to get there! -- or is there anything else you could have done to stop the detour?
Le is fantastic and I have no doubt her turns will get better and better -- considering how young she is and the different surface/huge venue/crowd etc etc to win as she did was phenomenal, what a little star! Most of all I admire the great relationship you have with each of your dogs -- in the end it is all about teamwork and the partnership between dog and handler and that is what is outstanding with you 🙂
Thanks! And yes, I think I could do the blind with Bi too, I just chickened out. If I expected a problem after, I could also say cik or left on the jump after to avoid it, but I really didn’t expect that 🙂 Bi is always full of surprises 🙂
🙂 but when she gets it right… wow! Quite a challenge to handle 4 dogs that are so different!!
Congrats with all the great runs and the superb 3rd place with La! I loved watching you live -- it was great fun!:)
Have you no plans going abroad for a seminar? Would Norway and Bergen be something you could squeeze in next year? -- you know, we all miss you!
I must have gotten old, but I really like it home 🙂 So no, sorry, I’m still not planning any seminars abroad. I like long-distance classes better not only because I can stay home, but they also give better results as I can supervise the whole process… -- it really works great! Norway sounds great too, but… Too far to drive, too hard to leave dogs home alone and fly…
Yes, I totally understand…and it is terrible leaving the dogs behind…
Maybe we have to come to Slovenia then? 🙂 First of all, we will meet in Belgium next year (EO) -- we are quite a few from Bergen that is going!
Take care and have a nice Autumn!
You’re welcome! 🙂 And yes, we’re definitely coming to EO!
Silvia, do you have any course maps to share or do you know where one might find courses from the WC? The videos show some sequences I would love to try, but can’t figure out how the spacing of the obstacles works.
You can find all the course maps here: http://results.agility2012.cz/
Thank you, found them!!! Now to figure out the scale and grid 🙂
Congratulations again, Silvia! I particularly love that picture above of you and Bu with her looking so happy. I just love Bu’s story and it’s so incredible how you have brought out the best in her. It is really a testament to how much you love your dogs and how great your bond with them is.
Thanks! It took a while, but we both learned a ton and sure mastered our start line routine to perfection by now!
Hi Silvia, so so happy for you and your amacing girls 🙂 All the videos are so COOL to watch!! Love the RCs!!! ( enough examples to train on exits, entries& different approaches 🙂 )
Big hugs to La,Le,Bu& Bi, who for sure would LOVE to run those DWs!
Also very proud of your students Werner&Esmeralda, they were so much fun to watch 🙂
Oh yes, Werner&Esmeralda did GREAT too! And well, these DW entries and exits were the easier we ever saw on WC… 🙂