November Seminars
To answer the questions about November Seminars...
Usually, the weather is still very nice in November so hopefully, we can be outside. If not, there will be a big agility roof ready by then, so we can train there to keep you dry.
12-13.11. seminar is from 9 to 5pm. We'll have a theoretical/training part and handling part - theoretical/training part is appropriate for all ages&levels, handling part is individual, so we can adjust the work to all levels, so everybody is welcome.
12.11. there is also tricks workshop, from 6 to 8.30pm, appropriate to all ages and levels.
15.11. seminar is from 9 to 6pm and is a follow-up seminar for those who have been to my seminars OR classes before. We'll be checking the progress with cik&cap and contacts if they needed to be improved and do some more handling stuff.
Entries are already open!
And sorry for the delay with the Heeling Video, but we were flooded and switched off from electricity for two days... But it should really be out any day now that we're back to civilization! 🙂