2. bank transfer to
LoLaBuLand d.o.o, Dobravica pri Velikem Gabru 9, 8213 Veliki Gaber, Slovenia, VAT id SI65090098
IBAN: SI56101000050026872
Address of the bank: Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d., Pristaniska ulica 14, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
2. DVD - DVDs play everywhere in the world and can be shipped anywhere, for 6,5 eur.
Shipping time 1 week for Europe, 2 weeks for USA/Canada, 3 weeks for Australia/Africasilvia.trkman at gmail.com
Hi Silvia!
I had problems with PayPal due I had wrong email address last time I ordered.
Anyhow, Ihave paid to your bank account 9 DVDs + 5€
Following order:
Puppy Diary DVD x1
Item # 13
Foundations DVD x3
Item # 11
Cik&Cap the easiest way to perfect turns DVDx1
Item # 1
Tricks for balance, strength&coordination DVD x 2
Item # 8
Tricks for a great bond DVDx1
Item # 3
Tricks for better thinking skills x 1
Item # 5
Item total:€420.00
Shipping and handling: €5.00
Total:€425.00 EUR
My address is
Heidi Mustonen
Jonkerinkuja 8
Hi again Sivia,
Dumb question but how much is 30 EUR in US dollars?
Google says it’s 37 usd 🙂
Hi Sylvia, can I please have Heeling Is Just Another trick as my free DVD. Thank you looking forward to getting them!
Hi Sylvia, please could I have Puppy Diary as my free dvd. Thanks, Jessica
Dear Silvia,
I just purchased your video on tricks for thinking skills but did not see that it was digital. I thought I was buying the DVD. I could live with the electronic format had I been at my computer but I am at the University on a public computer. Can I cancel the electronic version and purchase the DVD instead. Sorry for the problem.
I hear you’ll be able to download -- if not, let me know and I’ll send the DVD.
I have a question: Can I come and pick up the DVD?
Hi! It’s possible to pick them up on all slovenian trials 🙂
Sorry if it’s a stupid question, but I’m new to this. What is the location of trials?
Hello Silvia,
I finally found how to register 🙂
I have ordered yesterday 3 Videos that I have already downloaded. I would love to have the “puppy diary” as my free video to download.
I nearly have all your videos now! Only one missing for now is the “tricks for better thinking”!
I have seen that you are going to do another video with To can’t wait! I am thinking about a title. It is indeed not easy! There are already plenty of good ideas on the forum.
All sent! Happy training!
Thank you so much! Can’t wait to watch it!!!
Hi Silvia,
I just ordered 3 dvd’s and would like to get the Puppy Diary as my free dvd. Thank you so much,
O.k. -- sending them all your way tomorrow!
Hi again Silvia,
Just ordered 3 more dvd’s and paid for them and postage fee directly to your account.
Fun, fast fabulous weaves 30€
Heeling is just another trick 40€
Cik&Cap 45€
I would like to have Tricks for better thinking skills as my free dvd 🙂
Thanks for the order, will be sending them your way!