- Puppy Class (292)
Ok - sent! See you in class!... – Jan 30, 2:43 PM
Great I sent payment please send link when...... – Jan 30, 1:49 PM
You don't need to buy it again no,...... – Jan 30, 12:19 PM
I have owned puppy diary before but can...... – Jan 29, 6:09 PM
Never mind let me see if I still...... – Jan 29, 3:15 PM
Sounds good could you remind me what video...... – Jan 29, 3:12 PM
Hi Kim! The class still follows the same...... – Jan 29, 2:23 PM
Have you change much in your puppy class...... – Jan 28, 3:28 PM
- Running Contacts (257)
That will be perfect! See you then xxxx... – Jan 16, 1:53 PM
Congratulations on your new addition! Looking forward to...... – Jan 16, 12:41 PM
Hi Silvia, I have trained 3 dogs rc...... – Jan 15, 5:32 PM
- Foundations class now open! (6)
Thank you very much.... – Jan 12, 7:10 AM
Ok, sure - I've just sent you a...... – Jan 11, 11:45 AM
Hi Sylvia I purchased and downloaded the foundations...... – Jan 11, 2:52 AM
Congratulations to your new youngster! Fast and furious...... – Nov 17, 11:51 AM
Sorry I think it is 2013 training video...... – Nov 17, 1:07 AM
Hi Sylvia I have a 14 month old...... – Nov 17, 1:06 AM
- (3)
Awww, I need some new photos of my...... – Jan 02, 9:36 PM
Happy new year to you too! Loki sends...... – Jan 02, 12:17 PM
Thank you Silvia! We are working on all...... – Dec 30, 9:48 PM
- Handling Class (21)
That would be the best order for those...... – Oct 10, 12:18 PM
Hi! In which order would you recommend taking...... – Oct 10, 5:28 AM
- Online classes (264)
Yes, I think it's best you join October...... – Sep 30, 10:44 AM
Hi Silvia, My new Puppy will be 6...... – Sep 28, 1:57 PM
That's ok yes, you can still join!... – May 04, 2:33 PM
Hi, Is it ok to sign up for...... – May 04, 1:22 AM
You can connect and post questions at any...... – Mar 31, 8:13 PM
Hello Silvia, I have some questions on the...... – Mar 30, 10:00 PM
Hello Silvia, I have some questions on the...... – Mar 30, 9:59 PM
- Puppy diary (81)
Perfect! And wow, can't believe it has been...... – Sep 09, 10:11 AM
It does! She will be coming home 2nd...... – Sep 08, 8:19 PM
Next Puppy class starts mid-November. I hope that...... – Sep 08, 8:10 PM
Hi Can you let me know when your...... – Sep 08, 5:20 PM
- About us (50)
I sent it earlier today, I guess you...... – Aug 09, 6:57 PM
Hi Silvia, sorry for doubling questions, but i...... – Aug 09, 6:37 AM
- Running Contacts class open for registration! (2)
Sure, you can still join! You can keep...... – Aug 03, 12:40 PM
Dear Silvia, I would like to register my...... – Aug 03, 7:43 AM
- Foundations Class (273)
October is correct - the sign up is...... – Jul 05, 12:09 AM
Hi Silvia, when should I register for the...... – Jul 04, 4:50 PM
You can still join, no problem!... – Apr 21, 8:11 PM
Hello! It is already April 20. I would...... – Apr 20, 10:04 PM
- Handling II course 7&8 (234)
Ren sure looks great!!! Great ins and that...... – Jul 04, 12:20 PM
I'm a bit slow with this class but...... – Jul 03, 8:56 PM
- Cik&Cap turns (100)
Keep the cues as you have them yes...... – May 12, 11:48 AM
Hi Silvia I have a question about Cik...... – May 11, 1:54 PM
- Tricks/Puppy Class now open! (2)
It's Puppy Diary material + updates + contents...... – May 10, 4:40 PM
Is this class primarily focusing on the contents...... – May 09, 8:54 PM
- Agility Diary (20)
That should cover most of the skills yes....... – May 01, 7:15 PM
Hello Silvia, we have the puppy diary, heeling,...... – May 01, 6:44 PM
- The Legend (2)
Wow! Very nice❤️... – Feb 22, 4:13 PM
Hello -- i am getting my new pup beginning of may -- have you decided if you are going to keep jan pup class open as i hope to do it with my new one ?
Congratulations on your puppy!!! Still not sure what to do with the next class no, will publish it when I know more…
Hello Jenny, Nice to see you here.. and looking forward to see him growing up..:)!!
My last post didn´t came through to RC so I put it here. Thank you so much for the class. It was great and I learnt soooo much :). I hope we´ll see at next class too (if my access to DW gets any better, I´m dreaming of own DW one day :))!
Thanks -- was great meeting you & Tuima! Good luck with your own DW -- it sure makes things easier!
httpV:// hello Silvia. this is the second lesson here. I know I am slow and will say that today Vapor needs more speed. he has a focus issue with his toys. he will get slow and not run as hard if I don’t have a toy to push him. I can be way ahead and he will drift off and look for his toy. that is why I stayed with him in this exercise. it is not fun! I had it hidden here. any comments will greatly be apprieciated. I am doing foundations to help with this issue and go back to a place where I may have missed in his education.
Foundation class is on break, so please post when we’re back and please use Foundation classroom, you’re posting under recent comments here.
I found the Team Jumpers course and now it seems so easy but I think about 50% were eliminated on this course mostly handling the push backs or the turns after the push backs.
I handled with a lead-out between 1 and 2 on the left side and pushed back for 3 and FC to serp it, pull to 6 and pull to 7 and FC between 8 and 9 and push back 10, push back 12 and FC 13, pull to 15 and loud pull to 16 and stayed on that side to end.
Is it too late too join the October foundation class as a participant?
No, you can still join!
Hi Sylvia
Have not done Cik and Cap before so this is different to left and right verbals? So my understanding is CIK is too the left of the pole and Cap is too the right of the pole. What is the reason for multiple wraps? I usually only have the one verbal around wraps which is check, check.
It’s better to post in classroom as under recent comments… Did you see the DVD? Cik&cap is always around the object and left&right is without objects and can be used for turns on flat, after DW, tunnels, on extension jumps etc. It just tells direction. Cik&cap tells collection, so even one verbal is o.k. Multi-wraps teach them the importance of tightness, “force” them in collection and later on teach them how to jump in collection.
I know I just posted not long ago that since we would not get our new house (and garden with space for training) I could sadly not join the next online foundation class.
But I might have found another training oportunity! Together with a few others that will also join your online class. Yay.
I was just thinking, would it be good to start trying a bit of running contact training on carpet before the class starts and then go on to real contact obstacles during class? Or should I just wait all together? Is there anything in particular that would be good to train before the start of the class? (Muffin is all new to agility, only tried it like 4 times). I have your foundation DVD.
See you in class soon! Then you can also see how much Muffin has grown since we did the puppy class 🙂
Hugs from Muffin and Lena
So cool! Looking forward to see more of smart little Muffin again! You can certainly start with first chapters of both Foundations and RC and then just continue from there. It’s quite intense program, so it’s sometimes good to have a bit of a head start 🙂
Hello Sylvia!
Do you have any tips about how to lessen an adult dog’s jealousy of new pup please? I have read up and Googled, and followed all advice I can find… still got a very jealous dog only just got puppy, early days yet but don’t want things to go badly… would be very grateful for any advice, thank you in advance x
I would make sure she sees the presence of a puppy is actually a good thing -- she should get extra treats and extra attention whenever the puppy is around. -- Basically shaping her that puppy presence means treats! 🙂 When you work with a puppy, she should get something really godo to chew on to OR you can toss one treat for her every time you reawrd a puppy as well, for watching calmly or holding her stay. Also, don’t allow the puppy to bother her -- remove her as needed.
Hi Silvia,
I have a 4 mos old border collie, which online class would you suggest we start with to begin our agility training?
Puppy Class! We’re starting next week, so perfect timing to join it with your puppy!
I’m having trouble with Blond!e understanding to get in the box. She just wants to tilt it over.
Can you please post to the classroom: https://www.lolabuland.com/forums/forum/tricks-puppy-class-june-2021/students/
But to me, it sounds like you are using too small box…