Because long-distance classes proved to work so great and got so popular that commenting videos takes all my time, I'm not doing any in live classes or privates anymore. I am still doing 2 camps (4 day seminars) per year - but for on line students only.
Some old videos of my classes:
Puppy class - Mala sola
mala sola - puppy class
LoLaBu Land puppy class
I would love too see more videos om ho you get the dog in the puppy/tricksclas too be so good!! So god conection whit their owner, and learn so much!
It would be great to se day be day video from the puppy/trickclas and how you teach and receive such great result!!
And if you are going to norway some day to have courses I will be there =)
Keep up the good work, allways become soo happy looking at you page and videos!!
Je še kaj prostora v Agility Foundations Class-u, ki bo jeseni?
Sem poslala mail že pred približno enim mesecom pa še ni odgovora…
I just want to visit your lessons:o)! I´m from Czech republic and i wrote you once before. Is there any possibility for me to come?
Of course, you’re welcome! Do you want to come to classes, those are every 14 days, or to the seminar on 12-13th November?
I would like to arrive to the seminar at first. Can I really?:o))) I am so happy! So I and my Foxterier girl Bubu (your Bu is only happenstance:) we will arrive! And where can I find more information, e.q. what to take with and so on…
I would love to take the tricks long distance class. Would like to do the handling one as well but not sure if I have enough access to indoor training and it’s a cold winter here in Iowa (US).
Great! You can also choose auditing and then run the courses when you have an option, trying out things we talked about here.
My gosh, how do you get a puppy to focus!!!??? My dalmatian is now eight months old and, at rally class he’s more interested in sniffing the ground for any treats dropped by others than in focusing on me. Will your ‘heel’ class or ‘cik cap’ videos explain this? Many thanks.
Surely wish you were doing some seminars in San Jose, CA!.
Focus comes with having fun with the exercises. That’s why I would actually recommend Tricks for a great bond and Heeling is just another trick DVDs. Tricks are really GREAT for improving focus!!!
Hi Silvia
I’m Gianluca from Italy and with my girl-friend Martina worldwide love to partecipate to one of your classes (still thinking on which) but unfortunately we will go off from work on the 13th of august for a week.. There are some classes in that period??
Thank you so much!!
Are you asking about on-line or in live classes? I don’t do in live classes anymore, too busy with on-line stuff… But I definitely recommend on line classes, they work really GREAT!!!
Sorry for “worldwide” i mean would:)
Yes I mean in live classes..we are considering also the private lessons in the same period.. What about that? We are interesting in tricks lessons cause your are amazing and we really want to spend our holidays at your camp..
I’m sorry, but my major focus are on line classes as they proved to work the best (as I can provide immediate feedback on the whole training process, during several months) and they keep me so busy that I can’t do classes or privates other as camps that I schedule well in front and take a break with classes during that time. My days only have 24 hours, so I can only do a limited amount of things. But I really recommend taking puppy/tricks class, you will learn MUCH more as you possibly could in a week!
Hi Silvia,
I just entered my Border Collie P!nk in your october long distance class. I’m unpatient to have news.
Best wishes
Nancy & P!nk
Great, looking forward to see more of Pink, she looks great -- you need to tell me her lines one day! 🙂 Your access looks fine, so just click “enter the classroom” or “October Foundations” and you’ll get the homework!
Will the foundations class in April go ahead?
There is no Foundations class planned for this April. Links on the left side bar are to passed classes -- it’s on registration page that you can find planned classes. Foundations is planned for August/September.