Our Center spreads on 11.000 m2, at the very end of a very small village with 16 inhabitants. - If we don't count in our five crazy dogs.
We promote positive dog training only, no corrections are allowed. Our major focus is agility and tricks, but we promote and support all other versions of having fun with your dog too.
Those were the winners of our LoLaBuLand Drumming Challenge:
See Articles for more on our training methods.
I love the roof with the grass. How big is it? Very cool.
It’s 12x23m. Just enough 🙂
Hey Silvia,
I just noticed that all your dogs are female, is that correct? Just wondered if there was a reason for that, or you just like girl dogs? I would understand that, me having my little girl dog 🙂
Also I wondered, do you spay your dogs? Purely curiosity, and why or why not? I have been reading lots about fixing agility dogs, in hopes for being knowledgeable for my next dog, and I just wondered what my favorite trainer did 😀
Yes, I have all girls because PyrSheps are on a border of our medium class and most males fall into large category and have to jump 65cm (26 inches), so I prefer females who are smaller and more likely to stay in a medium class and can jump 18″. And since I don’t spay them, I prefer them all to be girls to not have to keep them apart when they’re in heat. I keep them intact as I want to keep an option of breeding them if I wanted to open.
Ah I see, seems like very good choices! Do females still go into heat when there are no males around? I’ve always wondered that. Also do you guys trial when ones in heat? (do they go in at the same time?) Or is that like the weeks you take off?
Sorry so many questions. Thanks!
Yes, we can trial normally when they’re in heat, otherwise I would probably need to spay them. They come in heat about every 8 months, very often one after another, but not always.
Ah I see, see I always wondered if dogs in heat could trial! I knew conformation dogs could, but wasn’t sure if agility dogs could. Thanks so much! It doesn’t make it harder or anything? I wouldn’t know since my girl was spayed very young.
They can’t in US, but can in Europe. It’s not any harder no, my dogs behave the same in heat or not.
Aww, the US needs to keep up with Europe! Thanks so much for your help!
What a beautiful place to train! All 16 people in your village must be able to hear your dogs :))
You must not get too much wind. Roof is steel? Very pretty!
It actually gets quite windy sometimes… It’s aluminium.