So this is it... As the class is ending, here is the place to send your summed up videos of what you've learned in past few months that we spent together. It was a really fun group, so this will be a memory page for this class that will stay open for ever.
You can post the videos any time, but gathering likes starts whenever it's posted. Whoever has the biggest number of likes (only "likes" on this website count - those given directly on YouTube and Facebook don't count to make it easier to track) by December 22 gets a free next class of their choice - And the next three get a free download link to a training video of their choice!
Hi Silvia here is Nitro’s graduation video.
Thank you for the advice and see you in RC class.
Love little Nitro! So smart and always trying so hard!!! Great job!
Finally we have our graduation video too! This class was a big experience for me and it was very interesting and helpful to go through all foundation skills once again. Thank you, Silvia, for your comments and advices!
Beautiful video! Robin is such a great dog, I’m sure he will be rocking trials very very soon!!!
Hi everybody, I’m so proud of little Leni. I adopted her from a shelter in February 2015 and she had sooo many fears in “real” life. But agility helped us to grow together as a team and she is a lot more self conscious now. Thank you Silvia for this awesome class, we had sooo much fun! Thank you Uschi for your help and your patience 🙂 🙂
Sooo cool!!! You sure make a great team now, Leni is always trying sooo hard!
Hi all!
Here our graduation video!!
We had so fun in the class!!
See you in RC class!!
Gloria e Gas
Great job with Gas!!! He sure has great skills already! And he sure is super cute!
Here is finally the video of Jilwë’s graduation, that of Faélys will come later because she has not finished her recovery yet. Thank you very much for this class during which we have again learn a lot together with a great deal of pleasure and fun !
Great!!! He sure is trying hard and has great skills already! I’m sure he will love RC as well! I hope Faelys paw is all healed soon as well!
So, here is our graduation video, yuhu, I managed to make that video 🙂
Thanks for all!
Such a great progress!!! She is running great now!
Hi everyone, here’s Tas’ graduation video!
We had so much fun and learned lots, thank you so much Silvia for all your help and guidance. Tas loves agility!!
We’re now looking forward to handling class!
Sooo fast! And sooo cute! Great teamwork, really a joy to watch!
Faélys will have finally her video also ! Thank you Silvia for these good moments which I was able to share with my little princess, what happiness !!!
What a progress! She is trying sooo hard! -- And definitely having lots of fun, great job!!! See you in RC class!
Better late than never -here is Kite’s graduation video. Thank you Silvia for an awesome course, lots of fun and we both enjoyed it
Great job with Kite!!! I hope his toe is o.k. soon, poor Kite!