It sure was a fun class! - Really interesting for me too, so thank you for all the cool comparisons!!! You are now welcome to do graduation video showing what you've learned, summing up what are best options for your dog.
You can post graduation videos at any time as this page stays open for ever, but gathering likes starts NOW. The one who gets the biggest number of likes (only "likes" on this website count - those given directly on YouTube and Facebook don't count to make it easier to track) by July 4 gets a free next class of their choice - And the next two get a free download link to a training video of their choice!
5 weeks are over, 5 weeks with very interessting sequences and a lot of suprieses 🙂 I am really happy, that I did this class, even if the weather wasn’t perfectly at the beginning… I got a better feeling for different ways and faster options, but I also recognized, on which basics we have to work on more. Thank you Silvia for all your feedback and yout tip.
It was so much fun to watch your comparisons! Great ob with Vii, she is so cool!!!