Happy 12th Birthday Bu!!!
Every year, I love her more! I'm guilty of getting her with expectations - getting my first BC and expecting tons of drive for granted. She didn't come with tons of drive, that's for sure, but she did end as a dog with a great work ethics who would work for ever, what ever, where ever. She used to be a shy puppy, but with some tricks, we overcame all her fears and she ended up as a really cool, easy-going, no-conflicts, no-problems BC. - Great with kids, puppies, cats, livestock. No problems with thunders, shooting, hunting, anything. Will work for toy, food or just praise - great will to please! And just the easiest dog to live with ever. And oh, never ill in her life at all - not even a diarrhea or a kennel cough - not Bu!
Stay just as cool and healthy, my super Bu! I wish you lots of snow, water, sprints with To, tunnels and everything else you love!
The original LoLaBu crew - the best crew ever! -
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Happy Birthday to skilful Bu!
Happy birthday amazing Bu, stay as happy, as cute and as healthy as you are! ♥
Aww,she’s still so pretty and sweet ! I can’t believe she’s 12 already , time is flying by so fast. Happy birthday Bu!
Happy B-Day ! Stay as special and inspiring as you are <3
Happy birthday Bu! Silvia, I always admired the work you did with Bu. I learned a lot from you!
Thank you! She has sure come a long way! I can’t believe she is my bravest BC now! 🙂
So similar to my Ceres….very smart, nice, sweet face!!! <3
Happy B-day super Bu!!! Hope you can live so healthy and happy for a long time again!!! 🙂 :-*
Awe, HaPpY BiRtHdAy BU!!!! She taught me and Spur so much about using tunnels to do jumps. Just buy more tunnels!!! And we did! Spur says………”Thank you, Bu!!!”
More tunnels is always a good idea says Bu! 🙂
Happy Birthday Bu 🙂
Happy 12th birthday,Bu!
I hope Bu leads her happy life with lots of smile.
Happy birthday Bu! the one that inspired us. I can still remember the first video that got us into those amazing tricks, like 10 years ago!