World Champions team!!!
That's the one title we were missing 🙂 After multi National, European, European Team and World Champion titles and more 2nd and 3rd places in team AWC as I can count, we're now World Team Champions as well 🙂 Le ran like a pro, running 2/2 clean runs for our medium team - super proud of my Super Midget! Of course, if team runs would count for individual she would have won that too - again!!!
Our large team was very young and inexperienced this year (first AWC for 3/4 dogs and all 4 dogs under 4 years of age), so we didn't hold our hopes too high, but I'm actually really happy with To, handling the loud and scary atmosphere sooo well and making all the courses look easy. All I wish would be I could swap them and run large courses with Le and medium with To as the courses were really not on our side this year: large courses were crazy full of push+blind S's that is the hardest thing to clear for To and resulted in several bars - and overall not technical enough for smarty To. And medium courses were full of "broken lines" and somewhat crowded what is NOT good for my big dog in small body.
From some reason, they also both struggled with the surface - not slipping, but just not gripping as normally. They both felt way slower as on grass - seeing their videos, I actually can't believe how competitive their times were nevertheless. Well, there was never a doubt about Le, but To's times were really cool too, given that she felt much slower as on EO, that her shoulder didn't like the turf and we kept fighting the soreness and given that she thinks she is 3 (now 4) weeks pregnant and it's time to sleep, eat and cuddle!
After successful, but very looong Friday (in the hall from 7am to 10pm), Saturday was my worst day - NOT happy with our individual jumpings at all! Le's run was still clean, but so ugly we ended 6th (NOT good at all for Super Midget!) and To had 2 bars and lost lots of time on several places, so the only good thing was that her time was still surprisingly good!
Sunday started with Le's scary fly on see-saw - she thought it's DW and just flew over 🙁 - she didn't have a fly off on a see-saw for close to 3 years and she never flew it that much, so I really think she mixed it up...
But all in all, I'm actually super happy with all but Saturday runs, with how well my not-the-bravest To ran on her first AWC, with how well puppy Ta handled her first AWC opening and closing ceremonies and of course, with our brand new World Champion team title 🙂
Thank you Ugrin, Miha, Laduška and Nikuš for videos, Diamond for keeping my dogs in great shape and our team mates for all the exciting runs!
You’re so nice…well, I’m working for that….and I can absolutely say most of the merit is yours! Our bond is going to increase again thanks to your adviceses and tricks…you’re giving to me the key to read her and it’s magic what we’re building now…I can only say Thank you very much…you’re the best teacher ever and you will let me to have lots of fun also with my next puppy in the future…have a goodnight