To’s Puppies Update
To's puppies are a bit over 10 months old and still super smart and handsome 🙂 In the pictures all 7: Lajka, Toko, Vuko, Blue, Kendall, Torvaig, Loki.
I just love how well they move and turn!!! - Doing great in Foundations class!
Toko AF weaves with tunnel and 2 wraps
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Wow, finally some photos of Lajka. I love the one with paw and ear up 🙂 She is so pretty. But they all are!
Ohh Silvia they are GORGEOUS!!! which video is the girl’s?? exciting to see how quick coordinated and driven they are on videos!!!
I know! I should have kept one!!! -- Or two 🙂 I don’t have a recent video of the girl because her handler can’t run with her at the moment from health reasons. But they stopped by this weekend and Lajka is super sweet, fast and a real ball-junky!