Good news!
I couldn't believe my eyes and oncologists didn't believe it's possible, but seems like it's true afterall: La's hole in the palate is healing!!!
The consensus was that it will either end with a connection with nasal cavity (bad scenario) or stay as it is (good scenario), but looks like we've got the third, unexpected scenario that oncologists never saw before: mucosa growing back and the hole closing! - Even though we've got almost 1/4 of palate with exposed bone and nobody thought it can still close! 🙂 - But well, nobody though she can survive stomach perforation 7 years ago either! I guess La lives by the moto that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!
And more good news: To is doing great in trials and it's SOOO much fun to run her - it actually makes it worth to get up early! 🙂 And yes, of course the last exam proved to be the hardest and we seem to run all jumpings clean and then all agility runs with one tiny little mistake (usually a bar, occasionally a contact). But I'm SOOO happy about how easy it is to run with her - she listens perfectly, tries her best and is getting faster in trials as well now. Her speed in trials is up to 5,7m/s those days and she is not yet running as fast as at home! 🙂
Videos coming as soon as the classes end next week - that should give me plenty of time to go through all the videos and also focus on finishing up 2nd part of To's Puppy Diary (from 5 to 18 months) - so that's the third good news! I'm really looking forward to that one as I think To's training was really as efficient and full of multi-tasking as it gets! - And as you know, I love efficiency and multi-tasking! 🙂
when will part 2 of Puppy Diary be ready for us?
Hopefully in July! 🙂