More of running contacts to make you smile…
RC class is now finished... And all the students on a good way to great RC - or already there 🙂 Here are some videos to make you smile... Next RC class starts in November, but you can start on your own before with the help of a DVD of course. Happy running!
Mee - Silvia Trkman Running Contacts
Suki RC 09.04.14
RC Abschluß RC class April 2014
Zero to 120 - Houdini training running contacts on dog walk
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Wonderful!!! So great to see these graduation videos! I tried to keep up with class, but it was SO busy I missed so much. Great to see some of the things I missed!! I don’t know how you kept up with the class, Silvia, we had such a bad winter I thought sure I would manage to follow everyone, but there was NO way! So many great students!!! At the end my iPad kept closing the website on me as I would try to comment. Very irritating! I can’t wait until the next class, it is so addicting!!!
Amy, you are the Original RC addict, of an ever growing group of us! 🙂 So cool that there’s always more to learn!
Yes, really many students coming to a final stage within just one class this time! And well, RC classes are not too difficult for me to keep up with -- at least not in comparison to Foundations 🙂
Amy, my iPad is doing that too. It’s fine on my iPhone and laptop but the iPad crashes Safari and, most annoyingly of all, logs me out of the site. I wonder if other people are having problems? It’s not only when I try to comment though, it’s any old time.
Huh, Diane, well, it is doing it on my iPhone, too. >:/
Watching all those just makes may heart tighten up! So much hard work with such lovely results. Loved the classic statement at the beginning of the one “don’t be afraid to fail…be afraid to not try” definitely at the root of RC training. At least on your first dog, after that the choice really is a no brainer. 😀
Ha ha, I completely agree! Both about “don’t be afraid to fail… be afraid to not try” that is probably my life motto (not that I would ever hear it before though 🙂 ) and with it being no brainer which way to go with next dog ha ha.
Lovely runnings! Such great students 🙂
Have you desided when you are going to start Foundation class? I can´t wait for it to start 🙂
Most likely August 4 -- but no promises yet…
Can’t wait for next RC class to start to come to final stage!!!!!