To, 15 weeks!
My super puppy showing off her tricks, generalization and other skills ๐ - To learn all this and more, you can still join Puppy Class, starting next week!
Super Puppy
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Well that was quite a video!!! Made my laugh and cry all in one!!! One thing I think is really sweet about To is (for lack of the right words) how gentle she is as she goes about her tricks, just really really sweet to watch. Le was cracking me up the whole time-nice double heeling shots!!! Also, is that your village you are out in about in or another place? I LOVE looking at everything in Europe-so different!!! THANKS for sharing!!!! Bi was so tolerant of that little frog rolling over her!!!! ๐
Yes, she is very sweet -- until she gets wild and tries to kill you ๐ And no, my village is smaller as that -- we only have 6 houses or so, nothing else ๐ -- This is what we would call a town already! ๐ But yes, very different from US!
Great video! ๐ Ahh Vi was doing the same thing, putting her foot and the object into the metal dish at the same time. I didn’t quite know what to do with it. I have so many questions for you once puppy class starts.. Hehe I have a lot of videos where Zane was giving me the exact same look as Bi. They are so funny!
Yes, the observers are hilarious sometimes ๐ I don’t worry about the paw in, it goes away on smaller sizes…
Of course, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Annnd that’s why we are your students. ๐
Way to go Le getting in that snag on the food bowl! Uh, I mean that was very naughty Le…don’t do it again ๐ Certainly looks like you are having a GREAT time with little To. Very sweet girl.
She is usually pretty good (unlike another PyrShep I know who steals EVERYTHING from every pocket, bag or table!) -- but she is a PyrShep afterall!
haha, I LOVED Le’s steal!!! Such a Roscoe move!!! Looks like she likes little girls! ๐ Spur is afraid of little people. He will play toss with them, but they make him nervous. Bi is very patient!!!!
Awesome video -- what a clever puppy!! I love her enthusiasm and precision.
The handstand was so cool! And so are all other tricks ๐ I just adore the spotting!
Haha yes I loved Le’s little stealing, too, especially after making so many side appeances in To’s videos, she got a big moment of naughy fame! ๐
And thank you for including it in your videos, I often have the feeling other trainers just publish the very perfect moments of training and not all the fun stuff in between that makes dogs so cute and loveable!!
I have another question, I saw To jumping up on the girl at the post office, is this something you eventually tell them not to do or you just call them off? I only ever just recall them because I think it is good that they are all happy to see other people…but maybe there is another way?
Yeah, I never work on manners such as not jumping up ๐ They mostly grow out of it anyway -- my dogs lose interest in other people and dogs once they grow up, so I don’t worry about it. Only Bi will sometimes jump up on people (she is not quite grown up ๐ ) -- but since we’re mostly around agility people, that’s no big deal ๐ And of walks, I just call her before she could jump up yes.
I am so very glad to hear this…… Holy! Makes me feel SO less guilty about all of my dogs!!!!
Hahaha, that is funny, Steffi! My first thought was how cool she wanted to jump on that little girl! :O
My first thought too, Amy! ๐ Sure beats growling & being uncomfortable around kids! ๐
Oh I think it is great that To loves people, but having a people-loving full-grown BC I sometimes wonder whether to do something about his abundance of joy…I had a bad experience lately, we met an animal control officer (that is a kind of city official here in US) on our walk, I recalled Fusion and he came flying towards me, yeah! But the officer approached us until he was only about a foot away and then told Fusion to sit, who looked all like, what? He came even closer and then Fusion jumped up on him because to him it obviously looked like he was interested in interacting…then the officer told me to train my dog better. I was both taken aback and amused.
Next time I will say, our world class online trainer does not train her dog out of jumping up, either ๐
Yeah, other as Bu, they all have some bad manners ๐ La steals and eats every disguising thing she can find, Bi is jumping up and barking her head off when we are leaving for a walk (and destroys toys and dog beds -- and probably her list is even longer as that, but I stopped noticing ๐ ) and Le barks at people she decides she doesn’t like. To, so far, likes to dig holes -- only when it’s muddy of course! And yes, she jumps up and gives kisses to every person or dog that passes by ๐
Oh, Silvia…reading this made my day!!! ๐ Haha, I even took Z to a “manners” class but to no avail. He still jumps on people to say hello! ๐ And Elsa is the jumping queen & will even jump in their laps when they are sitting! ๐ And like La, Elsa continues to steal & eat every disgusting thing she can find! Such a relief to know your dogs have some bad manners too! ๐
AHAHHAHHA.. I am not the only one…!!! I feel such relief!! :).. The stealing eatable and no eatable things must be a family issue… The last thing he stole/ate was a full jar of butter from on top of a quite high counter (and he wants me to believe that he cannot jump higher than 45cm…Hummmm) after getting to the beacon the night before…!! Therefore he is still in strict diet all this week!! Harpo I mean… he will bark his head off to any dog/person/thing that gets closer to 2meters from him.. he will growl consistently to any one he doesn’t like me speaking to.. he will roll in fox/cow/bird poo no problem and.. as amusement when bored he will be herding all the dogs (Darwin) included around…But I don’t mind because he can lick my hears till falling sleep if I am cross with him in order to make me forgiving him… :). Vesta will roll in anything that smells worse than bad, will jump on people no problem but only when she has muddy paws.. (We got quite a few embarrassing moments because of this..) and wont come when called if she thinks someone likes her…
And Darwin.. well he is my angel.. the only problem with him is that he has a tendency to pee in everything that doesn’t belong to me… like tunnels, jumps.. etc…Hum, hum…sorry about that again..
I’m really happy my dogs normally don’t roll in disguising things -- at least something they don’t do! ๐ They did it a couple of times though and I have to say that bathing stinky dogs is my least favourite part of having dogs…
Yes, rolling in stinky things definitely is a bad part of having dogs…
However I find the very worst part of having dogs is when the roll in somethjng dead, then see the look of horror in my face and jump up to give me a kiss because they are worried they did something to upset me…:D
Steffi, that is just crazy! Think that AC officer is taking his job a bit too seriously?? The job is not literally to go around controlling all the animals! My goodness!
Aww…so cute!!! ๐ Love all the tricks especially the coin in a tiny jar…very impressive! And Le just cracks me up sneaking cookies & double heeling! ๐
We need a piggy bank now! ๐
๐ I’d send you mine but he fell off the shelf and broke his leg. ๐ Not so easy to put coins in a three legged piggy bank, but then again, I bet To could do it! ๐
I think I’ll start with a box and a bit bigger hole to start with -- that should keep us busy for a while!
Hi Silvia!!! I forgot to tell you that I tried having Spur doing his most favorite trick, karate chop, on the table at a trial Sunday. It WORKED!!!! I can’t believe I never asked for THAT trick before!!! Hopefully, he will do it again next time! I was very pleased!
I hope Shona shows some video. we were finally at a trial together, so she has some video and Rankin had some amazing moments!!! The footing was hard for him, but he got better and better. The courses were challenging for all of us because there were posts in the ring and even though the judge was given the post’s layout ahead of time he forgot to design his courses around them and they were in our way a lot.
That’s great!!! Use it in training too so he gets used to the idea we always do that on a table! And oh no for the judge not designing the courses with posts in mind!
Yeah, it really messed us up some, especially poor Rankin. He tried to wrap a jump, but there was a pole there! And a couple runs Shona and I ended up between the pole and jump which is NOT where we wanted to be and it messed us up some. But, hopefully she will still send some of his Rankin’s as I tried to video most of them. He sure is doing well and he works so hard to get it right!
I WILL I WILL!!! Just haven’t had time for the darn editing ๐ He is definitely doing better but still the road is long before us! With slippery floor his tight turns went out the window as he was slipping not at the jump but on the turn on the ground so he started letting his run outs float quite often but I do think it was his way of compensating for floor conditions. He had several face plants the first day just while running! so I decided to just letting him do what he needed to do to decrease slips.
Amy, how does that trick look like? ๐
Iris, here ya go! I added the trial/table one, too, but don’t blink or you miss it. ๐ In USDAA this was an NQ, but in AKC this is OK. I am trying to get him to not be so stressed on the table. I messed up that training with him and making him lie down was detrimental, so I don’t care about the Q and am just trying a few things to help him be happier on the table. Karate chop is one of his favorites and we do it as warm up. He has refused to do some other tricks before on the table, and will now refuse to lie down, so I don’t ask him to do it any more. In training he LOVES his table and will fly into a down, but at a trial I obviously stressed him out about it. ๐
Silvia, I also added a very common gamble. Send to tunnel, layer the jump, take the far obstacle (teeter), then a jump. I handle it a bit poorly, I should have decelerated more and been more firm and earlier with my “TARGET” cue, which is his teeter cue. I think he thought it was a DW. ๐ Poor buggar, but he was fine. Thought about refusing the teeter the next run, but he did it, so I don’t think too much harm was done. But, this is a very common gamble. We see this similar set up a lot, with the teeter as the far obstacle. (Sorry, I thought this was posted in graduates.)
Whoops, sorry, forgot the video……
He did it really well also on a table!!! And thanks, this did look doable!
I love his Karate chop!
He is sooo cute! Thank you for the video! ๐
If it makes you feel any better, I did literally the exact same thing this past weekend on a teeter in a nearly identical gamble.. and we NQ’d due to the flyoff. Oy!
I never sawn before a puppy mastering so mamy tricks at 15 weeks !!! To is very conscientious in tricks execution and has impressive side legs !
I would like to join again your puppy class, but I don’t have a puppy at this time !
I have also a stealer at home -- Garlic licks the chocolate cake on the table and eats the crumbs like a hoover !
I’ve tried everything to help my dog overcome her horrible fear of thunder ! Nothing has worked , what can I do ? Is there any solution ??????
This one is really a hard one as you can’t control thunder at all… Bi is very afraid of thunder when at home and not doing anything, but she can forget about it when working and in drive. But of course, I can’t hold her in drive for the whole time the thunder is on, so unfortunately, she is hiding in corners then…