To, 14 weeks
Yes, the grass is back! And we even got some sun today, just enough for the photos!
Looks like we worked through one object to another troubles too - we're at the coin in a jar stage now!!! 🙂 To call it a day, she insisted to offer beginnings of backwards figure 8 (I didn't plan to address that yet, but...) and mastered it in one session (a quarter of session actually) - she says it's the easiest trick ever. And oh, she also mastered climbing stairs backwards in the same session. It's so funny - some tricks are just sooo easy with her (especially leg tricks!) - and some are sooo hard! I have to make a new video soon!
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Yeah To- we knew you could do it! She looks like she doubled in size this week! Hurray for grass and hopefully NO more Ice!
Growing some legs now! is she as tall as Le already ?
She’s getting big!! She sounds brilliant Silvia.. yes, videos please!!!
She is sooo cute and now a real little girl…. and it seems that she loves it to run!!!!! great pictures!!!!
Yes, she is Le’s size now. She looks much smaller in live as on pictures/videos and grows without any really bursts -- she is 0.5kg heavier every week, no bursts -- what is probably good, but I’m so worried she will end really small that I’m feeding her as a pig! 🙂
Love this girl! 🙂
What camera do you use? I’m looking for a new one and your’s seems to make great pictures! 🙂
Nikon D90.
Thanks! 🙂
oh my they do change so fast! She is really stunning, her markings are beautiful!! So glad your ice is gone! We are in an endlessly snowy winter and I am so envious of everyone’s photos with grass!!! We have had fun in the snow and woods, but I am very sick of it.
She has adorable ears!!! Do you think they will stand or no? Can’t wait for video!!!! We hardly master any tricks, I move on to another so fast, so my dogs never really master any one that well, LOL!!!!
Yes, both her parents have pricked ears, so it’s very likely she will have them too. I hope they stay pointing out rather as up though, I like that better. And well, she is pretty good at tricks -- but very bad with cues -- that’s the part I’m really bad at, so she only fully understands To, ajde-ajde, pee and Le+all Le’s nick-names (for To meaning to get ready as Le is coming and she can go chase her) -- so, everything important 🙂 And yeah, snow sure gets boring…
Hehe good to know it’s not just me. I cannot think of a good name for cueing backwards figure 8 for the life of me! We are so envious of your grass! To is so pretty, weekly photos are such fun. I too keep worrying Vi won’t get very big. It’s so hard to tell. Grow, puppy grow!
To is certainly smaller as my other BCs were at this age, but then, she comes from smaller lines and will for sure be smaller as they are -- it’s just a question how much smaller 🙂 I can usually think of cues o.k. -- I just use different languages if necessary 🙂 -- but I always forget to use them 🙂
That is hilarious about knowing all of Le’s nicknames!!
How do your two big BCs like her so far?
Bu is just ignoring her and Bi tries to play or tug with her, but they’re not really speaking the same language and Bi is not a very gentle dog to play with, so To prefers Le for now 🙂
😀 I always love hearing how other dogs in the same household play together, ours hate each other with all their heart…
Le sure sounds like a good fit as a friend for To!
Really? How do you manage then? Do they tolerate each other? Here, Bi, Le and To are very friendly to all dogs and also each other, Bu prefers to be left alone, but would never react and just moves away. La doesn’t like dogs in general (with some exceptions -- she actually really likes Le, but really doesn’t like Bi), but will leave them alone if they leave her alone, so it’s no problem with my adult dogs, but I wouldn’t risk leaving her unsupervised with To.
Roscoe hated everyone and everyone still hates him, but I have rules. He did a TON of obedience work for self control as a youngster, so he did learn some good behavior. It took years, but I guess because he is so small I didn’t worry about leaving them together. He has enough self preservation not to start something, I think. He would chase Spur when Spur was a puppy and it was a nice game. But, living with him is not much fun sometimes and he is mean to my blind girl, but never more than noise. Now that he is old he wants to play and sometimes hump Spur. I just interrupt it. Spur has gone after him on occasion, as I don’t think there is any way Spur would play with him after all this time, so I learned to watch the triggers better. Roscoe has had some bites before that needed glue from other dogs we have had here. I just have to watch things carefully. At 9lbs his life is in danger, so I am pretty careful. Spur and Colby are pretty friendly to all dogs.
Well, we rescued our first dog Max when he was already 9 years and he is kind of a grumpy old guy who has many “rules” (for example he gets mad our cats play, or other dogs are having too much fun, or other dogs barking, etc). So when Fusion moved in he was absolutely shocked at all the fun the puppy wanted to have. He disciplined him several times for running in the house or playing. At first Fusion was moving away like Bu probably but then one day decided he was not going to take it any longer and started to fight back. So yes, I never leave them unsupervised. The have an occasional brawl when they both want to use the stairway at the same time, for example. It is hard to manage a dog that only ever wants to sleep undisturbed and one that only ever wants to play. Max (the first dog) actually likes to discipline Fusion, I think. For example, he has learned that when I take Fusion to do a handstand in the couch he will back up, so Max will come whenever he hears “back up” or “handstand” and deliberately try to stand in Fusion’s way so he can then snap at him. So yes, lots of supervision and separation (especially for training).
That sure makes things harder… But as long as you can take them for a walk together, that’s doable, I would hate to not be able to walk them all together…
True! Walks actually are easy (except if other dogs that we meet don’t follow Max’ rules), yes not being able to take all would be really hard!
Interesting, Roscoe is fine out on our walks. Unless he finds something gross to eat and someone else wants some, but the others don’t care enough to fight him for stuff. 😀 When I first got him I worked on a farm with many dogs and there was one scrap with a lab that hurt him some, but after that he maybe learned some self preservation? I had to watch him closely if there was food involved, but maybe since he HAD to learn to live with many dogs he figured it out? I watched him very carefully and only had that one time with that one lab. Starting a fight with a pack of dogs around isn’t the best idea. LOL!! He’s nuts, but he isn’t crazy and only 9lbs. He had to work it out, as that was my job and my dogs always came with me, so it probably helped him a lot. Had he lived where he didn’t get so much exposure to so many other dogs he might have not learned as much how to behave?
At home I learned to be even more careful, but out walking he is pretty good. Now as an old man he is so much better in public, in fact I have to watch that he doesn’t try to hump other dogs. 😛 While that might be better than fighting, to some dogs it isn’t appreciated.
Living with an aggressive dog isn’t easy. Steffi, Max sounds like a tough one, but sounds like you have it worked out OK.
Funny, but La is an angel with food around. Who would want to fight when you can eat? And who would fight if there is a small chance you might get a treat if you don’t, right? She never seeks trouble and I don’t need to watch her at all with adult dogs around, but I certainly don’t trust her with puppies who might not take her seriously.
Thanks, he is not really agressive per se, he is just very grumpy. I like to think of him as a really old grandpa, who is sitting in his armchair pointing out which neighbor has not moved his lawn and saying how everything used to be better before times got so crazy, lol. He does surprisingly well with dogs that have low selfesteem, like we were fostering a dog that had been taken in as a stray, it was very shy and did not like people, but the two got along great.
Your situation does not sound too easy either, having a blind dog in the mix sure is challenging!
Sorry, didn’t answer the whole question, so yes they would tolerate each other as long as everybody follows Max’ rules which, alas, is pretty much impossible for an active young dog.