To 9 weeks
Little To is getting a bit more independent now, we progressed to the point where she can wait in a separate room some - so other dogs can get more attention again 🙂 She still doesn't like crates and car rides though. But she loves discovering our woods, playing and learning her puppy tricks and we also did some socialization trips to civilization since we live in the middle of nowhere now and normally don't meet anybody! - And next weekend, it's her first trial! 🙂 - I entered many trials this winter as they're so great for puppy socialization!
And no worries, I'm videoing a lot as well - just not sure when I'll find the time to edit... - If not sooner, it should be by the Puppy DVD 🙂
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yayyyyyyy! a puppy DVD!!! and maybe the timing will be just right in time for our hopeful wishing fingers and paws all crossed please please please lucky us yes puppy!!!!!
🙂 Keeping fingers crossed!!!
She is SO CUTE!! She sounds super too! Looking forward to some video. 🙂
Oh, SO cute!! I simply LOVE all her freckles!!!! And all your green grass!! I know you have had lots of mud and some of these are probably on your turf, but I see real grass and green moss and “dry” ground in the woods and am very envious!! 😀 Today our whole “world” is ice. 🙁
Yes, we only get mud if you try to step on the same spot too many times 🙂 (like in agility), but on walks, it’s great! I was really afraid to have a small puppy AND snow and am very happy with anything else at the moment!
Exactly 2 years ago Hessu was a little puppy and we used to have -15 to -- 20 celcius outside. I just had to put on a jacket on him, put an extra warm, extra big fishing overall on myself, let the puppy run in the snow for a while, put him inside my overall and carry the rest of the way like a kangaroo as the bigger dogs also needed there exercise. He has no problems to be carried even today 🙂
The major reason why I was afraid of snow is that here, it’s never so cold, so it’s very rare that you can walk on the snow as you can in Finland -- we love it when we can 🙂 But last year when we had 1m of snow that meant that my PyrSheps had to do a huge leap for every step they made as nobody else walks here, so no tracks, just deep snow everywhere… Definitely not good for their backs, so we had to limit the walks to minimum and the puppy could only go out to the driveway, no walks at all in 1m of snow…
Oh no, you really live isolated. I totally understand that having 1 m thick snow is not what you want. At the moment we don’t have any and usually we only have max 50 cm as I live by the see on the coast. 🙂
Well, I live in the village, but nobody else is taking walks, so I’m the only one walking in the woods yes 🙂 We get everything from 0 to 1m, depending on a winter… Last year was record snow for us + it stayed much longer as it usually does.
Aww that must be awesome to be the only one taking walks! And good that there is not too much snow for little To!
Here it is technically illegal to do off-leash anywhere so I am always afraid I get caught as I do it every day anyway 😉 but other people are taking walks, too, and the other day another dog owner told me he was fined by officials who caught him. But well, what is life without a little risk 😀
Yes, when we were searching for a house, we always took the dogs and take a walk to check out how good it is for walking the dogs and basically chose the place on that criteria 🙂 -- Real estate agents were a bit surprised though 🙂
Haha, yes, we did that, too!!!! We have some nice trails right from our house and don’t have to leash the dogs!
LOL, I just bought a house as well. When looking I wouldn’t even go into the house until I had checked to make sure the back yard was big enough so I could play with my dogs! Several times I walked away without even entering the house, the other realtor must have thought I was nuts!
oh, yes, we don’t usually get enough cold to walk on it, but thankfully our farmer neighbor will run his snowmobile all over the farm so we can walk on it and the dogs can run. It is nicer than mud, except that we can’t train RCs in such deep snow. 😛
Yes, I actually like some snow for some weeks -- but not like what we got last year, I was getting crazy not being ale to run the dogs normally for MONTHS. Months of snow is certainly not our usual winter though.
Yes, looks like we are in for what you had last winter and while it is OK now, in a couple months (March is our snowiest month!!!) I know it is going to get old.
Oh, so cute! 🙂 It’s going to be really fun to see her progress!
She is so cute! And yes, lets hope this winter will be nothing like last year’s! Maybe just a taste of snow for little To 😛
Yes, I think I would move to the see-side for the winter if it were!
To is sooo cute! I don’t usually go crazy for BC look but I might change my mind with her! But all those pictures make me want to go out hiking and training with my dogs — unfortunately one of them was sick and operated short ago, so we need to stick to small walks till she re-gathers all the weigh she lost
Oh no, I hope she is better soon! What was the problem?
Thanks 🙂 she somehow swallowed a small ball ( don’t know where she found that, as for fear she can eat them, I only use very big balls ) that stuck in her intestine, perforated it, and caused a peritonitis.
Actually we were lucky because from x-ray, we couldn’t see whether that white spot was an object — or a cancer. They operated, and found out it was “only” a ball. if it were a cancer, we could only put her to sleep, so I’m still happy it went like that 🙂
Huh, that’s bad, glad she is recovering well…
Yeah, she’s actually recovering faster than expected, it’s just that she would like to run and play and jump — but has no muscles so I need to keep her calm and avoid too much activity. Need to keep her busy with indoor activities ( other than attempting to steal our dinner 😉 )!
Great! I did tons of work on balance ball and disc when La was in that situation -- great for building muscle without putting stress on the joints.
Yes, I guess I’ll work a lot on balance! My worry was exactly on stressing joints — if it were summer I sure would bring her to swim in the river nearby, but as it’s january I just stick to soft surfaces like grass and try to avoid harsh moves.
Balance disc and balls are great for core muscles that she needs first -- and then you can systematically start working on different conditioning tricks.
Silvia, you think that balance ball is also ok for dogs with spine problems?
Yes -- if big enough that they can stand on it with straight back, not curved! I mostly use balance discs now that I have two though as it’s easier to have them in a good position + there is no fear the dog falls off, so much safer as a ball.
Great, thanks a lot for all the infos! Bella is thanking you as well 🙂 and says you’re sooo kind helping us! 🙂
She is so cute! And I too say Yay for puppy DVD!
Do your puppies go for hikes with you right from the start? Would you carry them for most of the way or do they walk all the time? 🙂
Yes, To goes everywhere with me anyway -- or she screams her lungs out 🙂 So my normal jogging routine is out for now and we go for shorter walks instead -- she is partly in a sherpa bag and partly runs free -- running free for about 15-20min at this point I guess.
Look at that face! She’s cute!!!