Some updates
Important updates:
- Our buy 3 get 4 special offer on all DVDs is again on, but only for the DVDs bought on EO in Belgium next weekend! - You just have to find me there and let me know what you want!
- Puppy Class is moved to start on August 26, so registration will open on August 6.
- Next Foundation class will start on 14th October, with registration opening one month before. April class is ending today - see some videos of participants who started from zero in April... - And look at them now! - I sure love my on line classes! And yes, agility is easy with good foundations 🙂
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i hesitated for foudation in october because she will be only 7 month, and i thought it was too young but when I see your video, i just want to do it !!!
for now i have to go on the puppy class 😉
thanks silvia for creat your website and long distance lesson, we enjoy it !!!
7 months is a great age to start -- we are starting with very puppy-friendly things anyway, so it would be great if you join the fun!