Running Contacts That Make You Smile
And it's out!!! Running Contacts DVD is now available in download and DVD version. The video is almost 3 hours long and covers the whole training process from getting the full out running, to flat plank work, raising the plank, adding challenges, turns, advanced exits, A-frame and running DW in trials, with a trouble shooting section within each chapter. The DVD features 30 different dogs of 16 different breeds on their journey to running contacts and addresses all the possible problems we encountered in Running Contacts classes.
The DVD plays everywhere in the world and can be shipped anywhere -- OR, you can decide for the download version, save on shipping and have it on your computer in 2 hours after ordering.
- Download version (49,99 EUR/USD 64, 1,2 Gb)
You will get a link to a downloadable copy that takes about 2 hours to download, but the quality is somewhat lower as on a DVD. We recommend playing it with VLC or QuickTime player.
- DVD version (50 EUR/USD 64 + 5 euros for shipping)
Shipping is the same regardless of where we are sending and how many DVDs you’re ordering. When ordering from Europe, it takes about 5 days and for other parts of the world, max. 14 days.
I downloaded the video a little while ago and I LOVE it. I’d started teaching running contacts but found I wasn’t getting the consistency with my insanely fast BC mix Mufaasa, who has no sense of self preservation [see video of him taking an a-frame in one stride at our first agility show: rel="nofollow ugc"> …at least he was having a good time :)]. We’re re-starting from scratch and we’ve started plank work and he’s doing great. Just wanted to share a picture of our contact trainer my friend is building for us. I live in a condo and there are no agility clubs in my area (plus I don’t have a car) so having a full dog walk isn’t really an option. I needed something I could take behind our building (which has limited space) and practice. I figured out how many strides it took him to reach full speed, and had her make it so that the top plank is 8 feet with room at the back for Mu to turn around, and the down plank is 12 feet. The legs will be completely adjustable so I can go up 2 inches at a time all the way up to standard height. Thought it might give some people who want to try this and who have space issues some ideas. I’ll repost when I’ve had a chance to use it for a while if anyone is interested.
Looks like a really GREAT idea for limited space!!! Thanks for posting, have fun!