Favourite toys
Favourite toys
It's funny how different dogs are... You can see that from their choice of favourite toys. Lo for example is a dog of habits, she doesn't like things to change. Her all-time favourites are her first two toys, a tennis ball and a classical tug toy. And shoes, of course - as long as there is a foot in it, no fun if there is no foot in it. As a puppy, she loved to tug on trousers, but then switched to shoes and after almost 14 years, she still loves it, she will attack my shoe whenever really happy or excited about something, it's just too cute.
I guess it's a PyrShep thing, La and Le also love best sleeves and trousers. La is not much into toys, but absolutely LOVES to tug on my sleeve (of course only if there is a hand in it) and Le loves toys, but loves my trousers and sleeves even WAY more - or when I'm in shorts - legs and hands, who cares. When they can't bite hands or legs, real fur or leader is almost as good. I think La thinks that if it used to be food, then it must be good!
Bi on the other hand would never bite my sleeve, trousers or shoes when I wear them - will play with it when I don't, but she has a great respect for skin. Even for dead skin, she doesn't like to grab fur or leader at all, she thinks that if it used to be alive, one needs to respect it. She is really funny as she loves tugging on everything else and based on how powerful her bite is and how strong she tugs, I'm actually really glad she respects skin so much.
Bu is, as always, the weirdest one. She was never much into toys, the only thing she really loved to play with as a puppy were empty plastic containers of yogurts, her favourites were those with two departments, one for cereals, one for yogurt... Now, she loves the most new toys, especially if they're soft and easy to destroy. She also loves fur and ladder, she has no respect for skin, but unlike PyrSheps who will bite you on purpose, just because they love to fight with you, I think Bu, as an autistic, just can't tell the difference between your hand and a toy... So watch your hands!
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Haha, funny storys!
And WONDERFUL picture in the top! <3
Awww. My BC will play with ANYTHING. He loves his food bowl, tennis balls, tugs, clothes, plastic bottles, stuffed toys, squeaky rubber toys, sticks, etc etc etc. My PyreSheps loves to grab my arm, sleeves, jeans, and shoe laces. He also likes stuffed toys but isn’t keen on many other toys.
Sleet and Wren both have total bite inhibition and won’t tug at clothes or bite humans in a any way. Wren was never a mouther even as a puppy.
Even with other dogs, they keep to inhibited bites..they never used an uninhibited bite on anything.
They do both like toys and will accidentally catch your hands every so often when trying to get them…but this is definitely accidental, not a lack of respect for skin.
I had to clicker train wren how to fetch and retrieve a ball when she was younger and now loves to chase them but her drive isn’t quite as strong as Sleets. They both LOVE grass and having it picked and then tossed at them. They go MAD!!! They’ll both play tug too…they’ll both play with pretty much any toys.
When Sleet meets people out on walks, she will take anything she can find to them for them to throw. To her, other people are throwing slaves. She doesn’t care what it is, so long as it can be thrown. She’ll go round searching for something…and always manages to find something. Wren just wants to run after Sleet when she brings the item back…never picks it up herself.
Anyway, here’s a photo of Wren the other day nose to nose with a wild weasel. We encountered two of them the other day. Her and Sleet just wanted to sniff and play with them. The weasel snapped at wren after this photo and she jumped back a mile….no killing instincts in my two…they see everything as a potential play friend.:D
Page was playing up…lets try the photo again…
Safi loves to tug Csoki´s tale -- snarling and tugging him crazily here and there … she hangs on him while he is running for his ball or frisbee 🙂
I think crazy dogs are much more funny than those just standing by and watching 😉 Our bited or scratched arms or legs are worth of all that fun, aren´t they ? 😀
That’s interesting, the difference between the breeds! Mika, my schnauzer, will play with anything. Wall-e, my sheltie, is more picky, but he used to love biting at my boots when he was a puppy (and yep, only if there was a foot in it!).